Abstract:Segmentation and classification of cell nuclei in histopathology images using deep neural networks (DNNs) can save pathologists' time for diagnosing various diseases, including cancers, by automating cell counting and morphometric assessments. It is now well-known that the accuracy of DNNs increases with the sizes of annotated datasets available for training. Although multiple datasets of histopathology images with nuclear annotations and class labels have been made publicly available, the set of class labels differ across these datasets. We propose a method to train DNNs for instance segmentation and classification on multiple datasets where the set of classes across the datasets are related but not the same. Specifically, our method is designed to utilize a coarse-to-fine class hierarchy, where the set of classes labeled and annotated in a dataset can be at any level of the hierarchy, as long as the classes are mutually exclusive. Within a dataset, the set of classes need not even be at the same level of the class hierarchy tree. Our results demonstrate that segmentation and classification metrics for the class set used by the test split of a dataset can improve by pre-training on another dataset that may even have a different set of classes due to the expansion of the training set enabled by our method. Furthermore, generalization to previously unseen datasets also improves by combining multiple other datasets with different sets of classes for training. The improvement is both qualitative and quantitative. The proposed method can be adapted for various loss functions, DNN architectures, and application domains.
Abstract:Normally eosinophils are present in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of healthy individuals. When the eosinophils increase beyond their usual amount in the GI tract, a patient gets varied symptoms. Clinicians find it difficult to diagnose this condition called eosinophilia. Early diagnosis can help in treating patients. Histopathology is the gold standard in the diagnosis for this condition. As this is an under-diagnosed condition, counting eosinophils in the GI tract biopsies is important. In this study, we trained and tested a deep neural network based on UNet to detect and count eosinophils in GI tract biopsies. We used connected component analysis to extract the eosinophils. We studied correlation of eosinophilic infiltration counted by AI with a manual count. GI tract biopsy slides were stained with H&E stain. Slides were scanned using a camera attached to a microscope and five high-power field images were taken per slide. Pearson correlation coefficient was 85% between the machine-detected and manual eosinophil counts on 300 held-out (test) images.