Abstract:This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of data clustering, emphasizing its methodologies and applications across different fields. Traditional techniques, including partitional and hierarchical clustering, are discussed alongside other approaches such as data stream, subspace and network clustering, highlighting their role in addressing complex, high-dimensional datasets. The paper also reviews the foundational principles of clustering, introduces common tools and methods, and examines its diverse applications in data science. Finally, the discussion concludes with insights into future directions, underscoring the centrality of clustering in driving innovation and enabling data-driven decision making.
Abstract:The clustering of categorical data is a common and important task in computer science, offering profound implications across a spectrum of applications. Unlike purely numerical datasets, categorical data often lack inherent ordering as in nominal data, or have varying levels of order as in ordinal data, thus requiring specialized methodologies for efficient organization and analysis. This review provides a comprehensive synthesis of categorical data clustering in the past twenty-five years, starting from the introduction of K-modes. It elucidates the pivotal role of categorical data clustering in diverse fields such as health sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, education, engineering and economics. Practical comparisons are conducted for algorithms having public implementations, highlighting distinguishing clustering methodologies and revealing the performance of recent algorithms on several benchmark categorical datasets. Finally, challenges and opportunities in the field are discussed.
Abstract:High utility sequential pattern mining (HUSPM) aims to mine all patterns that yield a high utility (profit) in a sequence dataset. HUSPM is useful for several applications such as market basket analysis, marketing, and website clickstream analysis. In these applications, users may also consider high utility patterns frequently appearing in the dataset to obtain more fruitful information. However, this task is high computation since algorithms may generate a combinatorial explosive number of candidates that may be redundant or of low importance. To reduce complexity and obtain a compact set of frequent high utility sequential patterns (FHUSPs), this paper proposes an algorithm named CHUSP for mining closed frequent high utility sequential patterns (CHUSPs). Such patterns keep a concise representation while preserving the same expressive power of the complete set of FHUSPs. The proposed algorithm relies on a CHUS data structure to maintain information during mining. It uses three pruning strategies to eliminate early low-utility and non-frequent patterns, thereby reducing the search space. An extensive experimental evaluation was performed on six real-life datasets to evaluate the performance of CHUSP in terms of execution time, memory usage, and the number of generated patterns. Experimental results show that CHUSP can efficiently discover the compact set of CHUSPs under different user-defined thresholds.