Abstract:In this paper, a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless system incorporating a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) to efficiently operate at terahertz (THz) frequencies is considered. The transmitter, Alice, employs continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) to communicate secret keys to the receiver, Bob, which utilizes either homodyne or heterodyne detection. The latter node applies the least-squared approach to estimate the effective MIMO channel gain matrix prior to receiving the secret key, and this estimation is made available to Alice via an error-free feedback channel. An eavesdropper, Eve, is assumed to employ a collective Gaussian entanglement attack on the feedback channel to avail the estimated channel state information. We present a novel closed-form expression for the secret key rate (SKR) performance of the proposed RIS-assisted THz CV-QKD system. The effect of various system parameters, such as the number of RIS elements and their phase configurations, the channel estimation error, and the detector noise, on the SKR performance are studied via numerical evaluation of the derived formula. It is demonstrated that the RIS contributes to larger SKR for larger link distances, and that heterodyne detection is preferable over homodyne at lower pilot symbol powers.
Abstract:Zero-shot detection (ZSD) is a challenging task where we aim to recognize and localize objects simultaneously, even when our model has not been trained with visual samples of a few target ("unseen") classes. Recently, methods employing generative models like GANs have shown some of the best results, where unseen-class samples are generated based on their semantics by a GAN trained on seen-class data, enabling vanilla object detectors to recognize unseen objects. However, the problem of semantic confusion still remains, where the model is sometimes unable to distinguish between semantically-similar classes. In this work, we propose to train a generative model incorporating a triplet loss that acknowledges the degree of dissimilarity between classes and reflects them in the generated samples. Moreover, a cyclic-consistency loss is also enforced to ensure that generated visual samples of a class highly correspond to their own semantics. Extensive experiments on two benchmark ZSD datasets - MSCOCO and PASCAL-VOC - demonstrate significant gains over the current ZSD methods, reducing semantic confusion and improving detection for the unseen classes.