Abstract:Traditional approaches for color propagation in videos rely on some form of matching between consecutive video frames. Using appearance descriptors, colors are then propagated both spatially and temporally. These methods, however, are computationally expensive and do not take advantage of semantic information of the scene. In this work we propose a deep learning framework for color propagation that combines a local strategy, to propagate colors frame-by-frame ensuring temporal stability, and a global strategy, using semantics for color propagation within a longer range. Our evaluation shows the superiority of our strategy over existing video and image color propagation methods as well as neural photo-realistic style transfer approaches.
Abstract:Most approaches for video frame interpolation require accurate dense correspondences to synthesize an in-between frame. Therefore, they do not perform well in challenging scenarios with e.g. lighting changes or motion blur. Recent deep learning approaches that rely on kernels to represent motion can only alleviate these problems to some extent. In those cases, methods that use a per-pixel phase-based motion representation have been shown to work well. However, they are only applicable for a limited amount of motion. We propose a new approach, PhaseNet, that is designed to robustly handle challenging scenarios while also coping with larger motion. Our approach consists of a neural network decoder that directly estimates the phase decomposition of the intermediate frame. We show that this is superior to the hand-crafted heuristics previously used in phase-based methods and also compares favorably to recent deep learning based approaches for video frame interpolation on challenging datasets.