Abstract:Diffusion Posterior Sampling(DPS) methodology is a novel framework that permits nonlinear CT reconstruction by integrating a diffusion prior and an analytic physical system model, allowing for one-time training for different applications. However, baseline DPS can struggle with large variability, hallucinations, and slow reconstruction. This work introduces a number of strategies designed to enhance the stability and efficiency of DPS CT reconstruction. Specifically, jumpstart sampling allows one to skip many reverse time steps, significantly reducing the reconstruction time as well as the sampling variability. Additionally, the likelihood update is modified to simplify the Jacobian computation and improve data consistency more efficiently. Finally, a hyperparameter sweep is conducted to investigate the effects of parameter tuning and to optimize the overall reconstruction performance. Simulation studies demonstrated that the proposed DPS technique achieves up to 46.72% PSNR and 51.50% SSIM enhancement in a low-mAs setting, and an over 31.43% variability reduction in a sparse-view setting. Moreover, reconstruction time is sped up from >23.5 s/slice to <1.5 s/slice. In a physical data study, the proposed DPS exhibits robustness on an anthropomorphic phantom reconstruction which does not strictly follow the prior distribution. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that the proposed DPS can accommodate various dose levels and number of views. With 10% dose, only a 5.60% and 4.84% reduction of PSNR and SSIM was observed for the proposed approach. Both simulation and phantom studies demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve reconstruction accuracy and reduce computational costs, greatly enhancing the practicality of DPS CT reconstruction.
Abstract:Diffusion models have been demonstrated as powerful deep learning tools for image generation in CT reconstruction and restoration. Recently, diffusion posterior sampling, where a score-based diffusion prior is combined with a likelihood model, has been used to produce high quality CT images given low-quality measurements. This technique is attractive since it permits a one-time, unsupervised training of a CT prior; which can then be incorporated with an arbitrary data model. However, current methods only rely on a linear model of x-ray CT physics to reconstruct or restore images. While it is common to linearize the transmission tomography reconstruction problem, this is an approximation to the true and inherently nonlinear forward model. We propose a new method that solves the inverse problem of nonlinear CT image reconstruction via diffusion posterior sampling. We implement a traditional unconditional diffusion model by training a prior score function estimator, and apply Bayes rule to combine this prior with a measurement likelihood score function derived from the nonlinear physical model to arrive at a posterior score function that can be used to sample the reverse-time diffusion process. This plug-and-play method allows incorporation of a diffusion-based prior with generalized nonlinear CT image reconstruction into multiple CT system designs with different forward models, without the need for any additional training. We develop the algorithm that performs this reconstruction, including an ordered-subsets variant for accelerated processing and demonstrate the technique in both fully sampled low dose data and sparse-view geometries using a single unsupervised training of the prior.