Abstract:We present an autonomous exploration system for efficient coverage of unknown environments. First, a rapid environment preprocessing method is introduced to provide environmental information for subsequent exploration planning. Then, the whole exploration space is divided into multiple subregion cells, each with varying levels of detail. The subregion cells are capable of decomposition and updating online, effectively characterizing dynamic unknown regions with variable resolution. Finally, the hierarchical planning strategy treats subregions as basic planning units and computes an efficient global coverage path. Guided by the global path, the local path that sequentially visits the viewpoint set is refined to provide an executable path for the robot. This hierarchical planning from coarse to fine steps reduces the complexity of the planning scheme while improving exploration efficiency. The proposed method is compared with state-of-art methods in benchmark environments. Our approach demonstrates superior efficiency in completing exploration while using lower computational resources.
Abstract:Rapid sampling from the environment to acquire available frontier points and timely incorporating them into subsequent planning to reduce fragmented regions are critical to improve the efficiency of autonomous exploration. We propose HPHS, a fast and effective method for the autonomous exploration of unknown environments. In this work, we efficiently sample frontier points directly from the LiDAR data and the local map around the robot, while exploiting a hierarchical planning strategy to provide the robot with a global perspective. The hierarchical planning framework divides the updated environment into multiple subregions and arranges the order of access to them by considering the overall revenue of the global path. The combination of the hybrid frontier sampling method and hierarchical planning strategy reduces the complexity of the planning problem and mitigates the issue of region remnants during the exploration process. Detailed simulation and real-world experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach in various aspects. The source code will be released to benefit the further research.