Abstract:Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are unsupervised models designed to learn and replicate a target distribution. The vanilla versions of these models can be extended to more controllable models. Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGANs) extend vanilla GANs by conditioning both the generator and discriminator on some additional information (labels). Controllable models based on complementary learning, such as Rumi-GAN, have been introduced. Rumi-GANs leverage negative examples to enhance the generator's ability to learn positive examples. We evaluate the performance of two controllable GAN variants, CGAN and Rumi-GAN, in generating game levels targeting specific constraints of interest: playability and controllability. This evaluation is conducted under two scenarios: with and without the inclusion of negative examples. The goal is to determine whether incorporating negative examples helps the GAN models avoid generating undesirable outputs. Our findings highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each method in enforcing the generation of specific conditions when generating outputs based on given positive and negative examples.
Abstract:Procedurally generated levels created by machine learning models can be unsolvable without further editing. Various methods have been developed to automatically repair these levels by enforcing hard constraints during the post-processing step. However, as levels increase in size, these constraint-based repairs become increasingly slow. This paper proposes using explainability methods to identify specific regions of a level that contribute to its unsolvability. By assigning higher weights to these regions, constraint-based solvers can prioritize these problematic areas, enabling more efficient repairs. Our results, tested across three games, demonstrate that this approach can help to repair procedurally generated levels faster.
Abstract:Automated game design (AGD), the study of automatically generating game rules, has a long history in technical games research. AGD approaches generally rely on approximations of human play, either objective functions or AI agents. Despite this, the majority of these approximators are static, meaning they do not reflect human player's ability to learn and improve in a game. In this paper, we investigate the application of Reinforcement Learning (RL) as an approximator for human play for rule generation. We recreate the classic AGD environment Mechanic Maker in Unity as a new, open-source rule generation framework. Our results demonstrate that RL produces distinct sets of rules from an A* agent baseline, which may be more usable by humans.
Abstract:Determining the completability of levels generated by procedural generators such as machine learning models can be challenging, as it can involve the use of solver agents that often require a significant amount of time to analyze and solve levels. Active learning is not yet widely adopted in game evaluations, although it has been used successfully in natural language processing, image and speech recognition, and computer vision, where the availability of labeled data is limited or expensive. In this paper, we propose the use of active learning for learning level completability classification. Through an active learning approach, we train deep-learning models to classify the completability of generated levels for Super Mario Bros., Kid Icarus, and a Zelda-like game. We compare active learning for querying levels to label with completability against random queries. Our results show using an active learning approach to label levels results in better classifier performance with the same amount of labeled data.
Abstract:Game level blending via machine learning, the process of combining features of game levels to create unique and novel game levels using Procedural Content Generation via Machine Learning (PCGML) techniques, has gained increasing popularity in recent years. However, many existing techniques rely on human-annotated level representations, which limits game level blending to a limited number of annotated games. Even with annotated games, researchers often need to author an additional shared representation to make blending possible. In this paper, we present a novel approach to game level blending that employs Clustering-based Tile Embeddings (CTE), a learned level representation technique that can serve as a level representation for unannotated games and a unified level representation across games without the need for human annotation. CTE represents game level tiles as a continuous vector representation, unifying their visual, contextual, and behavioral information. We apply this approach to two classic Nintendo games, Lode Runner and The Legend of Zelda. We run an evaluation comparing the CTE representation to a common, human-annotated representation in the blending task and find that CTE has comparable or better performance without the need for human annotation.
Abstract:Many games feature a progression of levels that doesn't adapt to the player. This can be problematic because some players may get stuck if the progression is too difficult, while others may find it boring if the progression is too slow to get to more challenging levels. This can be addressed by building levels based on the player's performance and preferences. In this work, we formulate the problem of generating levels for a player as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and use adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) to solve the MDP before assembling a level. We tested with two case studies and found that using an ADP outperforms two baselines. Furthermore, we experimented with player proxies and switched them in the middle of play, and we show that a simple modification prior to running ADP results in quick adaptation. By using ADP, which searches the entire MDP, we produce a dynamic progression of levels that adapts to the player.
Abstract:We present tile2tile, an approach for style transfer between levels of tile-based platformer games. Our method involves training models that translate levels from a lower-resolution sketch representation based on tile affordances to the original tile representation for a given game. This enables these models, which we refer to as filters, to translate level sketches into the style of a specific game. Moreover, by converting a level of one game into sketch form and then translating the resulting sketch into the tiles of another game, we obtain a method of style transfer between two games. We use Markov random fields and autoencoders for learning the game filters and apply them to demonstrate style transfer between levels of Super Mario Bros, Kid Icarus, Mega Man and Metroid.
Abstract:We present an approach for generating playable games that blend a given set of games in a desired combination using deep generative latent variable models. We refer to this approach as latent combinational game design -- latent since we use learned latent representations to perform blending, combinational since game blending is a combinational creativity process and game design since the approach generates novel, playable games. We use Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders (GMVAEs), which use a mixture of Gaussians to model the VAE latent space. Through supervised training, each component learns to encode levels from one game and lets us define new, blended games as linear combinations of these learned components. This enables generating new games that blend the input games as well as control the relative proportions of each game in the blend. We also extend prior work using conditional VAEs to perform blending and compare against the GMVAE. Our results show that both models can generate playable blended games that blend the input games in the desired proportions.
Abstract:An increasingly common area of study in procedural content generation is the creation of level segments: short pieces that can be used to form larger levels. Previous work has used basic concatenation to form these larger levels. However, even if the segments themselves are completable and well-formed, concatenation can fail to produce levels that are completable and can cause broken in-game structures (e.g. malformed pipes in Mario). We show this with three tile-based games: a side-scrolling platformer, a vertical platformer, and a top-down roguelike. Additionally, we present a Markov chain and a tree search algorithm that finds a link between two level segments, which uses filters to ensure completability and unbroken in-game structures in the linked segments. We further show that these links work well for multi-segment levels. We find that this method reliably finds links between segments and is customizable to meet a designer's needs.
Abstract:We describe the design and implementation of a reasoning engine that facilitates the gamification of loop-invariant discovery. Our reasoning engine enables students, computational agents and regular software engineers with no formal methods expertise to collaboratively prove interesting theorems about simple programs using browser-based, online games. Within an hour, players are able to specify and verify properties of programs that are beyond the capabilities of fully-automated tools. The hour limit includes the time for setting up the system, completing a short tutorial explaining game play and reasoning about simple imperative programs. Players are never required to understand formal proofs; they only provide insights by proposing invariants. The reasoning engine is responsible for managing and evaluating the proposed invariants, as well as generating actionable feedback.