Abstract:Chest X-ray (CXR) images are commonly compressed to a lower resolution and bit depth to reduce their size, potentially altering subtle diagnostic features. Radiologists use windowing operations to enhance image contrast, but the impact of such operations on CXR classification performance is unclear. In this study, we show that windowing can improve CXR classification performance, and propose WindowNet, a model that learns optimal window settings. We first investigate the impact of bit-depth on classification performance and find that a higher bit-depth (12-bit) leads to improved performance. We then evaluate different windowing settings and show that training with a distinct window generally improves pathology-wise classification performance. Finally, we propose and evaluate WindowNet, a model that learns optimal window settings, and show that it significantly improves performance compared to the baseline model without windowing.
Abstract:Deep learning models for image classification have often used a resolution of $224\times224$ pixels for computational reasons. This study investigates the effect of image resolution on chest X-ray classification performance, using the ChestX-ray14 dataset. The results show that a higher image resolution, specifically $1024\times1024$ pixels, has the best overall classification performance, with a slight decline in performance between $256\times256$ to $512\times512$ pixels for most of the pathological classes. Comparison of saliency map-generated bounding boxes revealed that commonly used resolutions are insufficient for finding most pathologies.
Abstract:Radiologists are in short supply globally, and deep learning models offer a promising solution to address this shortage as part of clinical decision-support systems. However, training such models often requires expensive and time-consuming manual labeling of large datasets. Automatic label extraction from radiology reports can reduce the time required to obtain labeled datasets, but this task is challenging due to semantically similar words and missing annotated data. In this work, we explore the potential of weak supervision of a deep learning-based label prediction model, using a rule-based labeler. We propose a deep learning-based CheXpert label prediction model, pre-trained on reports labeled by a rule-based German CheXpert model and fine-tuned on a small dataset of manually labeled reports. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which significantly outperformed the rule-based model on all three tasks. Our findings highlight the benefits of employing deep learning-based models even in scenarios with sparse data and the use of the rule-based labeler as a tool for weak supervision.
Abstract:This study aimed to develop an algorithm to automatically extract annotations for chest X-ray classification models from German thoracic radiology reports. An automatic label extraction model was designed based on the CheXpert architecture, and a web-based annotation interface was created for iterative improvements. Results showed that automated label extraction can reduce time spent on manual labeling and improve overall modeling performance. The model trained on automatically extracted labels performed competitively to manually labeled data and strongly outperformed the model trained on publicly available data.