Abstract:In high-end visual effects pipelines, a customized (and expensive) light stage system is (typically) used to scan an actor in order to acquire both geometry and texture for various expressions. Aiming towards democratization, we propose a novel pipeline for obtaining geometry and texture as well as enough expression information to build a customized person-specific animation rig without using a light stage or any other high-end hardware (or manual cleanup). A key novel idea consists of warping real-world images to align with the geometry of a template avatar and subsequently projecting the warped image into the template avatar's texture; importantly, this allows us to leverage baked-in real-world lighting/texture information in order to create surrogate facial features (and bridge the domain gap) for the sake of geometry reconstruction. Not only can our method be used to obtain a neutral expression geometry and de-lit texture, but it can also be used to improve avatars after they have been imported into an animation system (noting that such imports tend to be lossy, while also hallucinating various features). Since a default animation rig will contain template expressions that do not correctly correspond to those of a particular individual, we use a Simon Says approach to capture various expressions and build a person-specific animation rig (that moves like they do). Our aforementioned warping/projection method has high enough efficacy to reconstruct geometry corresponding to each expressions.
Abstract:We propose an end-to-end pipeline for both building and tracking 3D facial models from personalized in-the-wild (cellphone, webcam, youtube clips, etc.) video data. First, we present a method for automatic data curation and retrieval based on a hierarchical clustering framework typical of collision detection algorithms in traditional computer graphics pipelines. Subsequently, we utilize synthetic turntables and leverage deepfake technology in order to build a synthetic multi-view stereo pipeline for appearance capture that is robust to imperfect synthetic geometry and image misalignment. The resulting model is fit with an animation rig, which is then used to track facial performances. Notably, our novel use of deepfake technology enables us to perform robust tracking of in-the-wild data using differentiable renderers despite a significant synthetic-to-real domain gap. Finally, we outline how we train a motion capture regressor, leveraging the aforementioned techniques to avoid the need for real-world ground truth data and/or a high-end calibrated camera capture setup.