Abstract:The feasibility of variational quantum algorithms, the most popular correspondent of neural networks on noisy, near-term quantum hardware, is highly impacted by the circuit depth of the involved parametrized quantum circuits (PQCs). Higher depth increases expressivity, but also results in a detrimental accumulation of errors. Furthermore, the number of parameters involved in the PQC significantly influences the performance through the necessary number of measurements to evaluate gradients, which scales linearly with the number of parameters. Motivated by this, we look at deep equilibrium models (DEQs), which mimic an infinite-depth, weight-tied network using a fraction of the memory by employing a root solver to find the fixed points of the network. In this work, we present Quantum Deep Equilibrium Models (QDEQs): a training paradigm that learns parameters of a quantum machine learning model given by a PQC using DEQs. To our knowledge, no work has yet explored the application of DEQs to QML models. We apply QDEQs to find the parameters of a quantum circuit in two settings: the first involves classifying MNIST-4 digits with 4 qubits; the second extends it to 10 classes of MNIST, FashionMNIST and CIFAR. We find that QDEQ is not only competitive with comparable existing baseline models, but also achieves higher performance than a network with 5 times more layers. This demonstrates that the QDEQ paradigm can be used to develop significantly more shallow quantum circuits for a given task, something which is essential for the utility of near-term quantum computers. Our code is available at https://github.com/martaskrt/qdeq.
Abstract:Quantum computing presents a promising alternative for the direct simulation of quantum systems with the potential to explore chemical problems beyond the capabilities of classical methods. However, current quantum algorithms are constrained by hardware limitations and the increased number of measurements required to achieve chemical accuracy. To address the measurement challenge, techniques for grouping commuting and anti-commuting terms, driven by heuristics, have been developed to reduce the number of measurements needed in quantum algorithms on near-term quantum devices. In this work, we propose a probabilistic framework using GFlowNets to group fully (FC) or qubit-wise commuting (QWC) terms within a given Hamiltonian. The significance of this approach is demonstrated by the reduced number of measurements for the found groupings; 51% and 67% reduction factors respectively for FC and QWC partitionings with respect to greedy coloring algorithms, highlighting the potential of GFlowNets for future applications in the measurement problem. Furthermore, the flexibility of our algorithm extends its applicability to other resource optimization problems in Hamiltonian simulation, such as circuit design.