Abstract:Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) needs high computational resources to overcome the challenge of substantial annotator disagreement. Today SER is shifting towards dimensional annotations of arousal, dominance, and valence (A/D/V). Universal metrics as the L2 distance prove unsuitable for evaluating A/D/V accuracy due to non converging consensus of annotator opinions. However, Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) arose as an alternative metric for A/D/V where a model's output is evaluated to match a whole dataset's CCC rather than L2 distances of individual audios. Recent studies have shown that Wav2Vec2.0 / WavLM architectures outputing a float value for each A/D/V dimension achieve today's State-of-the-art (SOTA) CCC on A/D/V. The Wav2Vec2.0 / WavLM family has high computational footprint, but training tiny models using human annotations has been unsuccessful. In this paper we use a large Transformer SOTA A/D/V model as Teacher/Annotator to train 5 student models: 4 MobileNets and our proposed Wav2Small, using only the Teacher's A/D/V predictions instead of human annotations. We chose MobileNet-V4 / MobileNet-V3 as students, as MobileNet has been designed for fast execution times. We propose Wav2Small an architecture designed for minimal parameter number and RAM consumption. Wav2Small with an .onnx (quantized) of only $60KB$ is a potential solution for A/D/V on hearing aids, having only 72K parameters vs 3.12M parameters for MobileNet-V4-Small. The Teacher model we construct sets a new SOTA on the MSP Podcast Test-1 dataset with valence CCC=0.676.
Abstract:Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is an important building block for the reliable use of neural networks in real-world scenarios, as it can be a useful tool in identifying faulty predictions. Speech emotion recognition (SER) models can suffer from particularly many sources of uncertainty, such as the ambiguity of emotions, Out-of-Distribution (OOD) data or, in general, poor recording conditions. Reliable UQ methods are thus of particular interest as in many SER applications no prediction is better than a faulty prediction. While the effects of label ambiguity on uncertainty are well documented in the literature, we focus our work on an evaluation of UQ methods for SER under common challenges in real-world application, such as corrupted signals, and the absence of speech. We show that simple UQ methods can already give an indication of the uncertainty of a prediction and that training with additional OOD data can greatly improve the identification of such signals.