Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach that leverages Transformer-based multivariate time series model and Machine Learning Ensembles to predict the quality of human sleep, emotional states, and stress levels. A formula to calculate the labels was developed, and the various models were applied to user data. Time Series Transformer was used for labels where time series characteristics are crucial, while Machine Learning Ensembles were employed for labels requiring comprehensive daily activity statistics. Time Series Transformer excels in capturing the characteristics of time series through pre-training, while Machine Learning Ensembles select machine learning models that meet our categorization criteria. The proposed model, TraM, scored 6.10 out of 10 in experiments, demonstrating superior performance compared to other methodologies. The code and configuration for the TraM framework are available at: https://github.com/jin-jae/ETRI-Paper-Contest.
Abstract:This report presents the ECO (Ensembled Clip score and cOnsensus score) pipeline from team DSBA LAB, which is a new framework used to evaluate and rank captions for a given image. ECO selects the most accurate caption describing image. It is made possible by combining an Ensembled CLIP score, which considers the semantic alignment between the image and captions, with a Consensus score that accounts for the essentialness of the captions. Using this framework, we achieved notable success in the CVPR 2024 Workshop Challenge on Caption Re-ranking Evaluation at the New Frontiers for Zero-Shot Image Captioning Evaluation (NICE). Specifically, we secured third place based on the CIDEr metric, second in both the SPICE and METEOR metrics, and first in the ROUGE-L and all BLEU Score metrics. The code and configuration for the ECO framework are available at https://github.com/ DSBA-Lab/ECO .