Abstract:Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are a powerful deep learning method capable of providing solutions and parameter estimations of physical systems. Given the complexity of their neural network structure, the convergence speed is still limited compared to numerical methods, mainly when used in applications that model realistic systems. The network initialization follows a random distribution of the initial weights, as in the case of traditional neural networks, which could lead to severe model convergence bottlenecks. To overcome this problem, we follow current studies that deal with optimal initial weights in traditional neural networks. In this paper, we use a convex optimization model to improve the initialization of the weights in PINNs and accelerate convergence. We investigate two optimization models as a first training step, defined as pre-training, one involving only the boundaries and one including physics. The optimization is focused on the first layer of the neural network part of the PINN model, while the other weights are randomly initialized. We test the methods using a practical application of the heat diffusion equation to model the temperature distribution of power transformers. The PINN model with boundary pre-training is the fastest converging method at the current stage.
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel learning approach for designing Kazantzis-Kravaris/Luenberger (KKL) observers for autonomous nonlinear systems. The design of a KKL observer involves finding an injective map that transforms the system state into a higher-dimensional observer state, whose dynamics is linear and stable. The observer's state is then mapped back to the original system coordinates via the inverse map to obtain the state estimate. However, finding this transformation and its inverse is quite challenging. We propose to sequentially approximate these maps by neural networks that are trained using physics-informed learning. We generate synthetic data for training by numerically solving the system and observer dynamics. Theoretical guarantees for the robustness of state estimation against approximation error and system uncertainties are provided. Additionally, a systematic method for optimizing observer performance through parameter selection is presented. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through numerical simulations on benchmark examples and its application to sensor fault detection and isolation in a network of Kuramoto oscillators using learned KKL observers.
Abstract:We introduce a novel neural network architecture, termed Taylor-neural Lyapunov functions, designed to approximate Lyapunov functions with formal certification. This architecture innovatively encodes local approximations and extends them globally by leveraging neural networks to approximate the residuals. Our method recasts the problem of estimating the largest region of attraction - specifically for maximal Lyapunov functions - into a learning problem, ensuring convergence around the origin through robust control theory. Physics-informed machine learning techniques further refine the estimation of the largest region of attraction. Remarkably, this method is versatile, operating effectively even without simulated data points. We validate the efficacy of our approach by providing numerical certificates of convergence across multiple examples. Our proposed methodology not only competes closely with state-of-the-art approaches, such as sum-of-squares and LyZNet, but also achieves comparable results even in the absence of simulated data. This work represents a significant advancement in control theory, with broad potential applications in the design of stable control systems and beyond.