Abstract:We study the mixing time of the projected Langevin algorithm (LA) and the privacy curve of noisy Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), beyond nonexpansive iterations. Specifically, we derive new mixing time bounds for the projected LA which are, in some important cases, dimension-free and poly-logarithmic on the accuracy, closely matching the existing results in the smooth convex case. Additionally, we establish new upper bounds for the privacy curve of the subsampled noisy SGD algorithm. These bounds show a crucial dependency on the regularity of gradients, and are useful for a wide range of convex losses beyond the smooth case. Our analysis relies on a suitable extension of the Privacy Amplification by Iteration (PABI) framework (Feldman et al., 2018; Altschuler and Talwar, 2022, 2023) to noisy iterations whose gradient map is not necessarily nonexpansive. This extension is achieved by designing an optimization problem which accounts for the best possible R\'enyi divergence bound obtained by an application of PABI, where the tractability of the problem is crucially related to the modulus of continuity of the associated gradient mapping. We show that, in several interesting cases -- including the nonsmooth convex, weakly smooth and (strongly) dissipative -- such optimization problem can be solved exactly and explicitly. This yields the tightest possible PABI-based bounds, where our results are either new or substantially sharper than those in previous works.
Abstract:We analyze the oracle complexity of the stochastic Halpern iteration with variance reduction, where we aim to approximate fixed-points of nonexpansive and contractive operators in a normed finite-dimensional space. We show that if the underlying stochastic oracle is with uniformly bounded variance, our method exhibits an overall oracle complexity of $\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-5})$, improving recent rates established for the stochastic Krasnoselskii-Mann iteration. Also, we establish a lower bound of $\Omega(\varepsilon^{-3})$, which applies to a wide range of algorithms, including all averaged iterations even with minibatching. Using a suitable modification of our approach, we derive a $O(\varepsilon^{-2}(1-\gamma)^{-3})$ complexity bound in the case in which the operator is a $\gamma$-contraction. As an application, we propose new synchronous algorithms for average reward and discounted reward Markov decision processes. In particular, for the average reward, our method improves on the best-known sample complexity.
Abstract:This paper examines the long-run behavior of learning with bandit feedback in non-cooperative concave games. The bandit framework accounts for extremely low-information environments where the agents may not even know they are playing a game; as such, the agents' most sensible choice in this setting would be to employ a no-regret learning algorithm. In general, this does not mean that the players' behavior stabilizes in the long run: no-regret learning may lead to cycles, even with perfect gradient information. However, if a standard monotonicity condition is satisfied, our analysis shows that no-regret learning based on mirror descent with bandit feedback converges to Nash equilibrium with probability $1$. We also derive an upper bound for the convergence rate of the process that nearly matches the best attainable rate for single-agent bandit stochastic optimization.
Abstract:Motivated by the scarcity of accurate payoff feedback in practical applications of game theory, we examine a class of learning dynamics where players adjust their choices based on past payoff observations that are subject to noise and random disturbances. First, in the single-player case (corresponding to an agent trying to adapt to an arbitrarily changing environment), we show that the stochastic dynamics under study lead to no regret almost surely, irrespective of the noise level in the player's observations. In the multi-player case, we find that dominated strategies become extinct and we show that strict Nash equilibria are stochastically stable and attracting; conversely, if a state is stable or attracting with positive probability, then it is a Nash equilibrium. Finally, we provide an averaging principle for 2-player games, and we show that in zero-sum games with an interior equilibrium, time averages converge to Nash equilibrium for any noise level.
Abstract:Consider a 2-player normal-form game repeated over time. We introduce an adaptive learning procedure, where the players only observe their own realized payoff at each stage. We assume that agents do not know their own payoff function, and have no information on the other player. Furthermore, we assume that they have restrictions on their own action set such that, at each stage, their choice is limited to a subset of their action set. We prove that the empirical distributions of play converge to the set of Nash equilibria for zero-sum and potential games, and games where one player has two actions.