Picture for Manuel Navarro-García

Manuel Navarro-García

How do tuna schools associate to dFADs? A study using echo-sounder buoys to identify global patterns

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Jul 14, 2022
Figure 1 for How do tuna schools associate to dFADs? A study using echo-sounder buoys to identify global patterns
Figure 2 for How do tuna schools associate to dFADs? A study using echo-sounder buoys to identify global patterns
Figure 3 for How do tuna schools associate to dFADs? A study using echo-sounder buoys to identify global patterns
Figure 4 for How do tuna schools associate to dFADs? A study using echo-sounder buoys to identify global patterns
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Tuna-AI: tuna biomass estimation with Machine Learning models trained on oceanography and echosounder FAD data

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Sep 29, 2021
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