Abstract:Existing speaker diarization systems heavily rely on large amounts of manually annotated data, which is labor-intensive and challenging to collect in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the language-specific constraint in speaker diarization systems significantly hinders their applicability and scalability in multilingual settings. In this paper, we therefore propose a cluster-based speaker diarization system for multilingual telephone call applications. The proposed system supports multiple languages and does not require large-scale annotated data for the training process as leveraging the multilingual Whisper model to extract speaker embeddings and proposing a novel Mixture of Sparse Autoencoders (Mix-SAE) network architecture for unsupervised speaker clustering. Experimental results on the evaluating dataset derived from two-speaker subsets of CALLHOME and CALLFRIEND telephonic speech corpora demonstrate superior efficiency of the proposed Mix-SAE network to other autoencoder-based clustering methods. The overall performance of our proposed system also indicates the promising potential of our approach in developing unsupervised multilingual speaker diarization applications within the context of limited annotated data and enhancing the integration ability into comprehensive multi-task speech analysis systems (i.e. multiple tasks of speech-to-text, language detection, speaker diarization integrated in a low-complexity system).