Picture for Liye Fu

Liye Fu

Comparing Sentence-Level Suggestions to Message-Level Suggestions in AI-Mediated Communication

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Feb 26, 2023
Figure 1 for Comparing Sentence-Level Suggestions to Message-Level Suggestions in AI-Mediated Communication
Figure 2 for Comparing Sentence-Level Suggestions to Message-Level Suggestions in AI-Mediated Communication
Figure 3 for Comparing Sentence-Level Suggestions to Message-Level Suggestions in AI-Mediated Communication
Figure 4 for Comparing Sentence-Level Suggestions to Message-Level Suggestions in AI-Mediated Communication
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Facilitating the Communication of Politeness through Fine-Grained Paraphrasing

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Nov 30, 2020
Figure 1 for Facilitating the Communication of Politeness through Fine-Grained Paraphrasing
Figure 2 for Facilitating the Communication of Politeness through Fine-Grained Paraphrasing
Figure 3 for Facilitating the Communication of Politeness through Fine-Grained Paraphrasing
Figure 4 for Facilitating the Communication of Politeness through Fine-Grained Paraphrasing
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ConvoKit: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Conversations

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May 08, 2020
Figure 1 for ConvoKit: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Conversations
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Asking the Right Question: Inferring Advice-Seeking Intentions from Personal Narratives

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Apr 02, 2019
Figure 1 for Asking the Right Question: Inferring Advice-Seeking Intentions from Personal Narratives
Figure 2 for Asking the Right Question: Inferring Advice-Seeking Intentions from Personal Narratives
Figure 3 for Asking the Right Question: Inferring Advice-Seeking Intentions from Personal Narratives
Figure 4 for Asking the Right Question: Inferring Advice-Seeking Intentions from Personal Narratives
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When confidence and competence collide: Effects on online decision-making discussions

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Mar 05, 2017
Figure 1 for When confidence and competence collide: Effects on online decision-making discussions
Figure 2 for When confidence and competence collide: Effects on online decision-making discussions
Figure 3 for When confidence and competence collide: Effects on online decision-making discussions
Figure 4 for When confidence and competence collide: Effects on online decision-making discussions
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Tie-breaker: Using language models to quantify gender bias in sports journalism

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Jul 13, 2016
Figure 1 for Tie-breaker: Using language models to quantify gender bias in sports journalism
Figure 2 for Tie-breaker: Using language models to quantify gender bias in sports journalism
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