Abstract:Very large overhead imagery associated with ground truth maps has the potential to generate billions of training image patches for machine learning algorithms. However, random sampling selection criteria often leads to redundant and noisy-image patches for model training. With minimal research efforts behind this challenge, the current status spells missed opportunities to develop supervised learning algorithms that generalize over wide geographical scenes. In addition, much of the computational cycles for large scale machine learning are poorly spent crunching through noisy and redundant image patches. We demonstrate a potential framework to address these challenges specifically, while evaluating a human settlement detection task. A novel binary search tree sampling scheme is fused with a kernel based hashing procedure that maps image patches into hash-buckets using binary codes generated from image content. The framework exploits inherent redundancy within billions of image patches to promote mostly high variance preserving samples for accelerating algorithmic training and increasing model generalization.
Abstract:We test this premise and explore representation spaces from a single deep convolutional network and their visualization to argue for a novel unified feature extraction framework. The objective is to utilize and re-purpose trained feature extractors without the need for network retraining on three remote sensing tasks i.e. superpixel mapping, pixel-level segmentation and semantic based image visualization. By leveraging the same convolutional feature extractors and viewing them as visual information extractors that encode different image representation spaces, we demonstrate a preliminary inductive transfer learning potential on multiscale experiments that incorporate edge-level details up to semantic-level information.