Picture for Laritza Rodriguez

Laritza Rodriguez

Understanding Spatial Language in Radiology: Representation Framework, Annotation, and Spatial Relation Extraction from Chest X-ray Reports using Deep Learning

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Aug 13, 2019
Figure 1 for Understanding Spatial Language in Radiology: Representation Framework, Annotation, and Spatial Relation Extraction from Chest X-ray Reports using Deep Learning
Figure 2 for Understanding Spatial Language in Radiology: Representation Framework, Annotation, and Spatial Relation Extraction from Chest X-ray Reports using Deep Learning
Figure 3 for Understanding Spatial Language in Radiology: Representation Framework, Annotation, and Spatial Relation Extraction from Chest X-ray Reports using Deep Learning
Figure 4 for Understanding Spatial Language in Radiology: Representation Framework, Annotation, and Spatial Relation Extraction from Chest X-ray Reports using Deep Learning
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