Abstract:Talking face synthesis has been widely studied in either appearance-based or warping-based methods. Previous works mostly utilize single face image as a source, and generate novel facial animations by merging other person's facial features. However, some facial regions like eyes or teeth, which may be hidden in the source image, can not be synthesized faithfully and stably. In this paper, We present a landmark driven two-stream network to generate faithful talking facial animation, in which more facial details are created, preserved and transferred from multiple source images instead of a single one. Specifically, we propose a network consisting of a learning and fetching stream. The fetching sub-net directly learns to attentively warp and merge facial regions from five source images of distinctive landmarks, while the learning pipeline renders facial organs from the training face space to compensate. Compared to baseline algorithms, extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a higher performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Codes are at https://github.com/kgu3/FLNet_AAAI2020.
Abstract:A good representation for arbitrarily complicated data should have the capability of semantic generation, clustering and reconstruction. Previous research has already achieved impressive performance on either one. This paper aims at learning a disentangled representation effective for all of them in an unsupervised way. To achieve all the three tasks together, we learn the forward and inverse mapping between data and representation on the basis of a symmetric adversarial process. In theory, we minimize the upper bound of the two conditional entropy loss between the latent variables and the observations together to achieve the cycle consistency. The newly proposed RepGAN is tested on MNIST, fashionMNIST, CelebA, and SVHN datasets to perform unsupervised or semi-supervised classification, generation and reconstruction tasks. The result demonstrates that RepGAN is able to learn a useful and competitive representation. To the author's knowledge, our work is the first one to achieve both a high unsupervised classification accuracy and low reconstruction error on MNIST.