Abstract:Catheter ablation (CA) remains the cornerstone alternative to cardioversion for sinus rhythm (SR) restoration in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Unfortunately, despite the last methodological and technological advances, this procedure is not consistently effective in treating persistent AF.
Abstract:"Objective: The electrocardiogram (ECG) is currently the most widely used recording to diagnose cardiac disorders, including the most common supraventricular arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation (AF). However, different types of electrical disturbances, in which power-line interference (PLI) is a major problem, can mask and distort the original ECG morphology. This is a significant issue in the context of AF, because accurate characterization of fibrillatory waves (f-waves) is unavoidably required to improve current knowledge about its mechanisms. This work introduces a new algorithm able to reduce high levels of PLI and preserve, simultaneously, the original ECG morphology. Approach: The method is based on stationary wavelet transform shrinking and makes use of a new thresholding function designed to work successfully in a wide variety of scenarios. In fact, it has been validated in a general context with 48 ECG recordings obtained from pathological and non-pathological conditions, as well as in the particular context of AF, where 380 synthesized and 20 long-term real ECG recordings were analyzed. Main results: In both situations, the algorithm has reported a notably better performance than common methods designed for the same purpose. Moreover, its effectiveness has proven to be optimal for dealing with ECG recordings affected by AF, since f-waves remained almost intact after removing very high levels of noise. Significance: The proposed algorithm may facilitate a reliable characterization of the f-waves, preventing them from not being masked by the PLI nor distorted by an unsuitable filtering applied to ECG recordings with AF."
Abstract:Surgical ablation (SA) is the most effective procedure to terminate atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients requiring concomitant open heart surgery. However, considering the great stress provoked in the patients heart, along with the benefits of anticipating antiarrhythmic therapeutical decisions, preoperative prediction of long term failure of the procedure is an interesting clinical challenge. Hence, the present work introduces a novel algorithm to anticipate SA outcome after one year of follow up by just analyzing the surface ECG. The method firstly extracts fibrillatory waves reflected on standard lead V1 using an adaptive QRST cancellation approach. The resulting signal is then segmented into 1 s length intervals and wavelet energy is computed for all of them. Finally, the coefficient of variation of the time series obtained for the 7th scale is computed. Analyzing 20 second length preoperative ECG excerpts from 53 persistent AF patients undergoing concomitant openheart surgery, only the proposed method reported statistically significant differences between the patients who relapsed to AF and those who maintained sinus rhythm during the follow up. The algorithm also provided values of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy between 10 and 20% better than the well established dominant atrial frequency and fibrillatory waves amplitude, thus suggesting to be a promising predictor of AF recurrence after SA.
Abstract:Analysis of intra-atrial electrograms (EGMs) nowadays constitutes the most common way to gain new insights about the mechanisms triggering and maintaining atrial fibrillation (AF). However, these recordings are highly contaminated by powerline interference (PLI) due to the large amount of electrical devices operating simultaneously in the electrophysiology laboratory. To remove this perturbation, conventional notch filtering has been widely used. However, this method adds artificial fractionation to the EGMs, thus concealing their accurate interpretation. Hence, the development of novel algorithms for PLI suppression in EGMs is still an unresolved challenge. Within this context, the present work introduces the joint application of common notch filtering and Wavelet denoising for enhanced PLI removal in AF EGMs. The algorithm was validated on a set of 100 unipolar EGM signals, which were synthesized with different noise levels. Original and denoised EGMs were compared in terms of a signed correlation index (SCI), computed both in time and frequency domains. Compared with the single use of notch filtering, improvements between 4 and 15% were reached with Wavelet denoising in both domains. As a consequence, the proposed algorithm was able to efficiently reduce high levels of PLI and simultaneously preserve the original morphology of AF EGMs.
Abstract:Nowadays, the electrocardiogram (ECG) is still the most widely used signal for the diagnosis of cardiac pathologies. However, this recording is often disturbed by the powerline interference (PLI), its removal being mandatory to avoid misdiagnosis. Although a broad variety of methods have been proposed for that purpose, often they substantially alter the original signal morphology or are computationally expensive. Hence, the present work introduces a simple and efficient algorithm to suppress the PLI from the ECG. Briefly, the input signal is decomposed into four Wavelet levels and the resulting coefficients are thresholded to remove the PLI estimated from the TQ intervals. The denoised ECG signal is then reconstructed by computing the inverse Wavelet transform. The method has been validated making use of fifty 10-min length clean ECG segments obtained from the MIT BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm database, which were contaminated with a sinusoidal signal of 50 Hz and variable harmonic content. Comparing the original and denoised ECG signals through a signed correlation index, improvements between 10 - 72% have been observed with respect to common adaptive notch filtering, implemented for comparison. These results suggest that the proposed method is featured by an enhanced trade-off between noise reduction and signal morphology preservation.
Abstract:Although catheter ablation (CA) is still the first-line treatment for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) patients, its limited long-term success rate has motivated clinical interest in preoperative prediction on the procedures outcome to provide optimized patient selection, limit repeated procedures, hospitalization rates, and treatment costs. To this respect, dominant frequency (DF) and amplitude of fibrillatory waves (f-waves) reflected on the ECG have provided promising results. Hence this work explores the ability of a novel set of frequency and amplitud f-waves features, such as spectral entropy (SE), spectral flatness measure (SFM), and amplitud spectrum area (AMSA), along with DF and normalized f-wave amplitude (NFWA), to improve CA outcome prediction. Despite all single indices reported statistically significant differences between patients who relapsed to AF and those who maintained sinus rhythm after a follow up of 9 months for 204 6 s-length ECG intervals extracted from 51 persistent AF patients, they obtained a limited discriminant ability ranging between 55 and 62%, which was overcome by 15 - 23% when NFWA, SE and AMSA were combined. Consequently, this combination of frequency and amplitude features of the fwaves seems to provide new insights about the atrial substrate remodeling, which could be helpful in improving preoperative CA outcome prediction.
Abstract:Objective: The most relevant source of signal contamination in the cardiac electrophysiology (EP) laboratory is the ubiquitous powerline interference (PLI). To reduce this perturbation, algorithms including common fixed bandwidth and adaptive notch filters have been proposed. Although such methods have proven to add artificial fractionation to intra atrial electrograms (EGMs), they are still frequently used. However, such morphological alteration can conceal the accurate interpretation of EGMs, specially to evaluate the mechanisms supporting atrial fibrillation (AF), which is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Given the clinical relevance of AF, a novel algorithm aimed at reducing PLI on highly contaminated bipolar EGMs and, simultaneously, preserving their morphology is proposed. Approach: The method is based on the wavelet shrinkage and has been validated through customized indices on a set of synthesized EGMs to accurately quantify the achieved level of PLI reduction and signal morphology alteration. Visual validation of the algorithms performance has also been included for some real EGM excerpts. Main results: The method has outperformed common filtering-based and wavelet based strategies in the analyzed scenario. Moreover, it possesses advantages such as insensitivity to amplitude and frequency variations in the PLI, and the capability of joint removal of several interferences. Significance: The use of this algorithm in routine cardiac EP studies may enable improved and truthful evaluation of AF mechanisms.
Abstract:As for most of cardiac arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation (AF) is primarily treated by catheter ablation (CA). However, the mid-term recurrence rate of this procedure in persistent AF patients is still limited and the preoperative prediction of its outcome is clinically interesting to select candidates who could benefit the most from the intervention. This context encouraged the study of C0 complexity as a novel predictor, because it estimates organization of the power spectral distribution (PSD) of the fibrillatory waves (f-waves). For that purpose, the PSD was divided into two divergent components using a threshold, theta, which was considered by multiplying the mean value of the PSD by a factor, alpha, ranging between 1.5 and 2.5. On a database of 74 patients, the values of C0 complexity computed for all alpha factors reported statistically significant differences between the patients who maintained sinus rhythm and those who relapsed to AF after a follow-up of 9 months. They also showed higher values of sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), and accuracy (Acc) than the well known predictors of the dominant frequency (DF) and f-wave amplitude. Moreover, the combination of the DF and the C0 complexity computed with alpha = 2, via a decision tree, improved classification until values of Se, Sp and Acc of 75.33, 77.33 and 76.58%, respectively. These results manifests the relevance of the f-wave PSD distribution to anticipate CA outcome in persistent AF patients.