Abstract:A rich line of recent work has studied distributionally robust learning approaches that seek to learn a hypothesis that performs well, in the worst-case, on many different distributions over a population. We argue that although the most common approaches seek to minimize the worst-case loss over distributions, a more reasonable goal is to minimize the worst-case distance to the true conditional expectation of labels given each covariate. Focusing on the minmax loss objective can dramatically fail to output a solution minimizing the distance to the true conditional expectation when certain distributions contain high levels of label noise. We introduce a new min-max objective based on what is known as the adversarial moment violation and show that minimizing this objective is equivalent to minimizing the worst-case $\ell_2$-distance to the true conditional expectation if we take the adversary's strategy space to be sufficiently rich. Previous work has suggested minimizing the maximum regret over the worst-case distribution as a way to circumvent issues arising from differential noise levels. We show that in the case of square loss, minimizing the worst-case regret is also equivalent to minimizing the worst-case $\ell_2$-distance to the true conditional expectation. Although their objective and our objective both minimize the worst-case distance to the true conditional expectation, we show that our approach provides large empirical savings in computational cost in terms of the number of groups, while providing the same noise-oblivious worst-distribution guarantee as the minimax regret approach, thus making positive progress on an open question posed by Agarwal and Zhang (2022).