Abstract:Few people use the probability theory in order to achieve image segmentation with snake models. In this article, we are presenting an active contour algorithm based on a probability approach inspired by A. Blake work and P. R{\'e}fr{\'e}gier's team research in France. Our algorithm, both very fast and highly accurate as far as contour description is concerned, is easily adaptable to any specific application.
Abstract:In this communication, we deal with the question of automatic target detection, recognition and tracking (ATD/R/T) algorithms performance assessment. We propose a complete methodology of evaluation which approaches objective image datasets development and adapted metrics definition for the different tasks (detection, recognition and tracking). We present some performance results which are currently processed in a French-MoD program called 2ACI (``Acquisition Automatique de Cibles par Imagerie``).
Abstract:The empirical wavelet transform is a data-driven time-scale representation consisting of adaptive filters. Its robustness to data has made it the subject of intense developments and an increasing number of applications in the last decade. However, it has been mostly studied theoretically for signals so far and its extension to images is limited to a particular mother wavelet. This work presents a general framework for multidimensional empirical wavelet transform from any mother wavelet. In addition, it provides conditions to build wavelet frames for both continuous and discrete transforms.
Abstract:QR bar codes are prototypical images for which part of the image is a priori known (required patterns). Open source bar code readers, such as ZBar, are readily available. We exploit both these facts to provide and assess purely regularization-based methods for blind deblurring of QR bar codes in the presence of noise.
Abstract:In this paper, we present an algorithm to automatically detect meaningful modes in a histogram. The proposed method is based on the behavior of local minima in a scale-space representation. We show that the detection of such meaningful modes is equivalent in a two classes clustering problem on the length of minima scale-space curves. The algorithm is easy to implement, fast, and does not require any parameters. We present several results on histogram and spectrum segmentation, grayscale image segmentation and color image reduction.