Abstract:We consider the problem of estimating probability density functions based on sample data, using a finite mixture of densities from some component class. To this end, we introduce the $h$-lifted Kullback--Leibler (KL) divergence as a generalization of the standard KL divergence and a criterion for conducting risk minimization. Under a compact support assumption, we prove an $\mc{O}(1/{\sqrt{n}})$ bound on the expected estimation error when using the $h$-lifted KL divergence, which extends the results of Rakhlin et al. (2005, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Vol. 9) and Li and Barron (1999, Advances in Neural Information ProcessingSystems, Vol. 12) to permit the risk bounding of density functions that are not strictly positive. We develop a procedure for the computation of the corresponding maximum $h$-lifted likelihood estimators ($h$-MLLEs) using the Majorization-Maximization framework and provide experimental results in support of our theoretical bounds.
Abstract:Model selection, via penalized likelihood type criteria, is a standard task in many statistical inference and machine learning problems. Progress has led to deriving criteria with asymptotic consistency results and an increasing emphasis on introducing non-asymptotic criteria. We focus on the problem of modeling non-linear relationships in regression data with potential hidden graph-structured interactions between the high-dimensional predictors, within the mixture of experts modeling framework. In order to deal with such a complex situation, we investigate a block-diagonal localized mixture of polynomial experts (BLoMPE) regression model, which is constructed upon an inverse regression and block-diagonal structures of the Gaussian expert covariance matrices. We introduce a penalized maximum likelihood selection criterion to estimate the unknown conditional density of the regression model. This model selection criterion allows us to handle the challenging problem of inferring the number of mixture components, the degree of polynomial mean functions, and the hidden block-diagonal structures of the covariance matrices, which reduces the number of parameters to be estimated and leads to a trade-off between complexity and sparsity in the model. In particular, we provide a strong theoretical guarantee: a finite-sample oracle inequality satisfied by the penalized maximum likelihood estimator with a Jensen-Kullback-Leibler type loss, to support the introduced non-asymptotic model selection criterion. The penalty shape of this criterion depends on the complexity of the considered random subcollection of BLoMPE models, including the relevant graph structures, the degree of polynomial mean functions, and the number of mixture components.
Abstract:Mixture of experts (MoE) is a popular class of models in statistics and machine learning that has sustained attention over the years, due to its flexibility and effectiveness. We consider the Gaussian-gated localized MoE (GLoME) regression model for modeling heterogeneous data. This model poses challenging questions with respect to the statistical estimation and model selection problems, including feature selection, both from the computational and theoretical points of view. We study the problem of estimating the number of components of the GLoME model, in a penalized maximum likelihood estimation framework. We provide a lower bound on the penalty that ensures a weak oracle inequality is satisfied by our estimator. To support our theoretical result, we perform numerical experiments on simulated and real data, which illustrate the performance of our finite-sample oracle inequality.