Abstract:Integrated Communication and Sensing (ICAS) is a key technology that enables sensing functionalities within the next-generation mobile communication (6G). Joint design and optimization of both functionalities could allow coexistence, therefore it advances toward joint signal processing and using the same hardware platform and common spectrum. Contributing to ICAS sensing, this paper presents the measurement and analysis of the micro-Doppler signature of Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) drones. Measurement is performed with an OFDM-like communication signal and bistatic constellation, which is a typical case in ICAS scenarios. This work shows that micro-Doppler signatures can be used to precisely distinguish flight modes, such as take-off, landing, hovering, transition, and cruising.
Abstract:The integration of wireless communication and radar sensing is now getting a huge interest from researchers of two big societies, wireless communication and radar. The road map to the final goal and individual solutions to the challenges might differ in developing the Integrated Communication and Sensing (ICAS) system. However, the electromagnetic signature of the targets will be still valid for all variants of the ICAS system because the detection, localization and classification of the targets are involved. Therefore, this paper presents a study on static reflectivity and micro-Doppler signatures of drones together. To acquire the required data, the state-of-the-art measurement system, BiRa, is used.
Abstract:Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) comprises detection and analysis of non-cooperative targets by exploiting the resources of the mobile radio system. In this context, micro-Doppler is of great importance for target classification, in order to distinguish objects with local movements. For developing algorithms for target classification, it is necessary to have a large amount of target signatures. Aiming to generate these data, this paper proposes a mathematical model for the micro-Doppler of drone rotating propellers, and validate the proposed model by comparing it to measured micro-Doppler. Results show that the proposed mathematical model can generate micro-Doppler data very similar to those from measurement data.