Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach to utilizing underactuated quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as assistive devices in cooperative payload transportation task through human guidance and physical interaction. The proposed system consists of two underactuated UAVs rigidly connected to the transported payload. This task involves the collaboration between human and UAVs to transport and manipulate a payload. The goal is to reduce the workload of the human and enable seamless interaction between the human operator and the aerial vehicle. An Admittance-Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (NFTSMC) is employed to control and asymptotically stabilize the system while performing the task, where forces are applied to the payload by the human operator dictate the aerial vehicle's motion. The stability of the proposed controller is confirmed using Lyapunov analysis. Extensive simulation studies were conducted using MATLAB, Robot Operating System (ROS), and Gazebo to validate robustness and effectiveness of the proposed controller in assisting with payload transportation tasks. Results demonstrates feasibility and potential benefits utilizing quadrotor UAVs as assistive devices for payload transportation through intuitive human-guided control. Keywords Cooperative payload transportation, Admittance control, Sliding mode control, Quadrotor control
Abstract:This paper investigates the orientation, position, and linear velocity estimation problem of a rigid-body moving in three-dimensional (3D) space with six degrees-of-freedom (6 DoF). The highly nonlinear navigation kinematics are formulated to ensure global representation of the navigation problem. A computationally efficient Quaternion-based Navigation Unscented Kalman Filter (QNUKF) is proposed on $\mathbb{S}^{3}\times\mathbb{R}^{3}\times\mathbb{R}^{3}$ imitating the true nonlinear navigation kinematics and utilize onboard Visual-Inertial Navigation (VIN) units to achieve successful GPS-denied navigation. The proposed QNUKF is designed in discrete form to operate based on the data fusion of photographs garnered by a vision unit (stereo or monocular camera) and information collected by a low-cost inertial measurement unit (IMU). The photographs are processed to extract feature points in 3D space, while the 6-axis IMU supplies angular velocity and accelerometer measurements expressed with respect to the body-frame. Robustness and effectiveness of the proposed QNUKF have been confirmed through experiments on a real-world dataset collected by a drone navigating in 3D and consisting of stereo images and 6-axis IMU measurements. Also, the proposed approach is validated against standard state-of-the-art filtering techniques. IEEE Keywords: Localization, Navigation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Sensor-fusion, Inertial Measurement Unit, Vision Unit.
Abstract:Contemporary Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) research places a significant emphasis on transfer learning, showcasing its transformative potential in enhancing model performance across diverse domains. This paper examines the efficiency and effectiveness of transfer learning in the context of wildfire detection. Three purpose-built models -- Visual Geometry Group (VGG)-7, VGG-10, and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Support Vector Machine(SVM) CNN-SVM -- are rigorously compared with three pretrained models -- VGG-16, VGG-19, and Residual Neural Network (ResNet) ResNet101. We trained and evaluated these models using a dataset that captures the complexities of wildfires, incorporating variables such as varying lighting conditions, time of day, and diverse terrains. The objective is to discern how transfer learning performs against models trained from scratch in addressing the intricacies of the wildfire detection problem. By assessing the performance metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of transfer learning in this specific domain is obtained. This study contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse, guiding future directions in AI and ML research. Keywords: Wildfire prediction, deep learning, machine learning fire, detection
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel approach to image denoising that leverages the advantages of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Specifically, we propose a model that combines elements of the Pix2Pix model and the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP). This hybrid framework seeks to capitalize on the denoising capabilities of conditional GANs, as demonstrated in the Pix2Pix model, while mitigating the need for an exhaustive search for optimal hyperparameters that could potentially ruin the stability of the learning process. In the proposed method, the GAN's generator is employed to produce denoised images, harnessing the power of a conditional GAN for noise reduction. Simultaneously, the implementation of the Lipschitz continuity constraint during updates, as featured in WGAN-GP, aids in reducing susceptibility to mode collapse. This innovative design allows the proposed model to benefit from the strong points of both Pix2Pix and WGAN-GP, generating superior denoising results while ensuring training stability. Drawing on previous work on image-to-image translation and GAN stabilization techniques, the proposed research highlights the potential of GANs as a general-purpose solution for denoising. The paper details the development and testing of this model, showcasing its effectiveness through numerical experiments. The dataset was created by adding synthetic noise to clean images. Numerical results based on real-world dataset validation underscore the efficacy of this approach in image-denoising tasks, exhibiting significant enhancements over traditional techniques. Notably, the proposed model demonstrates strong generalization capabilities, performing effectively even when trained with synthetic noise.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel quaternion-based nonsingular control system for underactuated vertical-take-off and landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Position and attitude tracking is challenging regarding singularity and accuracy. Quaternion-based Adaptive Backstepping Control (QABC) is developed to tackle the underactuated issues of UAV control systems in a cascaded way. Leveraging the virtual control (auxiliary control) developed in the QABC, desired attitude components and required thrust are produced. Afterwards, we propose Quaternion-based Sliding Mode Control (QASMC) to enhance the stability and mitigate chattering issues. The sliding surface is modified to avoid singularity compared to conventional SMC. To improve the robustness of controllers, the control parameters are updated using adaptation laws. Furthermore, the asymptotic stability of translational and rotational dynamics is guaranteed by utilizing Lyapunov stability and Barbalet Lemma. Finally, the comprehensive comparison results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed controllers in the presence of unknown time-varying parameter uncertainties and significant initial errors. Keywords: Non-singular Sliding Mode Control, Adaptive Backstepping Control, Unit-quaternion, Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Asymptotic Stability, Position and Orientation Control
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel quaternion-based approach for tracking the translation (position and linear velocity) and rotation (attitude and angular velocity) trajectories of underactuated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Quadrotor UAVs are challenging regarding accuracy, singularity, and uncertainties issues. Controllers designed based on unit-quaternion are singularity-free for attitude representation compared to other methods (e.g., Euler angles), which fail to represent the vehicle's attitude at multiple orientations. Quaternion-based Adaptive Backstepping Control (ABC) and Adaptive Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (AFTSMC) are proposed to address a set of challenging problems. A quaternion-based ABC, a superior recursive approach, is proposed to generate the necessary thrust handling unknown uncertainties and UAV translation trajectory tracking. Next, a quaternion-based AFTSMC is developed to overcome parametric uncertainties, avoid singularity, and ensure fast convergence in a finite time. Moreover, the proposed AFTSMC is able to significantly minimize control signal chattering, which is the main reason for actuator failure and provide smooth and accurate rotational control input. To ensure the robustness of the proposed approach, the designed control algorithms have been validated considering unknown time-variant parametric uncertainties and significant initialization errors. The proposed techniques has been compared to state-of-the-art control technique. Keywords: Adaptive Backstepping Control (ABC), Adaptive Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control (AFTSMC), Unit-quaternion, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Singularity Free, Pose Control
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach for sim-to-real policy transfer of Vertical Take-Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VTOL-UAV). The proposed approach is designed for VTOL-UAV landing on offshore docking stations in maritime operations. VTOL-UAVs in maritime operations encounter limitations in their operational range, primarily stemming from constraints imposed by their battery capacity. The concept of autonomous landing on a charging platform presents an intriguing prospect for mitigating these limitations by facilitating battery charging and data transfer. However, current Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) methods exhibit drawbacks, including lengthy training times, and modest success rates. In this paper, we tackle these concerns comprehensively by decomposing the landing procedure into a sequence of more manageable but analogous tasks in terms of an approach phase and a landing phase. The proposed architecture utilizes a model-based control scheme for the approach phase, where the VTOL-UAV is approaching the offshore docking station. In the Landing phase, DRL agents were trained offline to learn the optimal policy to dock on the offshore station. The Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) spectrum model has been employed to create a wave model for each episode, enhancing policy generalization for sim2real transfer. A set of DRL algorithms have been tested through numerical simulations including value-based agents and policy-based agents such as Deep \textit{Q} Networks (DQN) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) respectively. The numerical experiments show that the PPO agent can learn complicated and efficient policies to land in uncertain environments, which in turn enhances the likelihood of successful sim-to-real transfer.
Abstract:The need for fully autonomous mobile robots has surged over the past decade, with the imperative of ensuring safe navigation in a dynamic setting emerging as a primary challenge impeding advancements in this domain. In this paper, a Safety Critical Model Predictive Control based on Dynamic Feedback Linearization tailored to the application of differential drive robots with two wheels is proposed to generate control signals that result in obstacle-free paths. A barrier function introduces a safety constraint to the optimization problem of the Model Predictive Control (MPC) to prevent collisions. Due to the intrinsic nonlinearities of the differential drive robots, computational complexity while implementing a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) arises. To facilitate the real-time implementation of the optimization problem and to accommodate the underactuated nature of the robot, a combination of Linear Model Predictive Control (LMPC) and Dynamic Feedback Linearization (DFL) is proposed. The MPC problem is formulated on a linear equivalent model of the differential drive robot rendered by the DFL controller. The analysis of the closed-loop stability and recursive feasibility of the proposed control design is discussed. Numerical experiments illustrate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed control synthesis in avoiding obstacles with respect to the benchmark of using Euclidean distance constraints. Keywords: Model Predictive Control, MPC, Autonomous Ground Vehicles, Nonlinearity, Dynamic Feedback Linearization, Optimal Control, Differential Robots.
Abstract:This paper proposes a nonlinear stochastic complementary filter design for inertial navigation that takes advantage of a fusion of Ultra-wideband (UWB) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) technology ensuring semi-global uniform ultimate boundedness (SGUUB) of the closed loop error signals in mean square. The proposed filter estimates the vehicle's orientation, position, linear velocity, and noise covariance. The filter is designed to mimic the nonlinear navigation motion kinematics and is posed on a matrix Lie Group, the extended form of the Special Euclidean Group $\mathbb{SE}_{2}\left(3\right)$. The Lie Group based structure of the proposed filter provides unique and global representation avoiding singularity (a common shortcoming of Euler angles) as well as non-uniqueness (a common limitation of unit-quaternion). Unlike Kalman-type filters, the proposed filter successfully addresses IMU measurement noise considering unknown upper-bounded covariance. Although the navigation estimator is proposed in a continuous form, the discrete version is also presented. Moreover, the unit-quaternion implementation has been provided in the Appendix. Experimental validation performed using a publicly available real-world six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DoF) flight dataset obtained from an unmanned Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) illustrating the robustness of the proposed navigation technique. Keywords: Sensor-fusion, Inertial navigation, Ultra-wideband ranging, Inertial measurement unit, Stochastic differential equation, Stability, Localization, Observer design.
Abstract:Navigation in Global Positioning Systems (GPS)-denied environments requires robust estimators reliant on fusion of inertial sensors able to estimate rigid-body's orientation, position, and linear velocity. Ultra-wideband (UWB) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) represent low-cost measurement technology that can be utilized for successful Inertial Navigation. This paper presents a nonlinear deterministic navigation observer in a continuous form that directly employs UWB and IMU measurements. The estimator is developed on the extended Special Euclidean Group $\mathbb{SE}_{2}\left(3\right)$ and ensures exponential convergence of the closed loop error signals starting from almost any initial condition. The discrete version of the proposed observer is tested using a publicly available real-world dataset of a drone flight. Keywords: Ultra-wideband, Inertial measurement unit, Sensor Fusion, Positioning system, GPS-denied navigation.