Picture for Haotian Yan

Haotian Yan

Multi-Scale Representations by Varying Window Attention for Semantic Segmentation

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Apr 26, 2024
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Lawin Transformer: Improving Semantic Segmentation Transformer with Multi-Scale Representations via Large Window Attention

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Jan 05, 2022
Figure 1 for Lawin Transformer: Improving Semantic Segmentation Transformer with Multi-Scale Representations via Large Window Attention
Figure 2 for Lawin Transformer: Improving Semantic Segmentation Transformer with Multi-Scale Representations via Large Window Attention
Figure 3 for Lawin Transformer: Improving Semantic Segmentation Transformer with Multi-Scale Representations via Large Window Attention
Figure 4 for Lawin Transformer: Improving Semantic Segmentation Transformer with Multi-Scale Representations via Large Window Attention
Viaarxiv icon

ConTNet: Why not use convolution and transformer at the same time?

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May 10, 2021
Figure 1 for ConTNet: Why not use convolution and transformer at the same time?
Figure 2 for ConTNet: Why not use convolution and transformer at the same time?
Figure 3 for ConTNet: Why not use convolution and transformer at the same time?
Figure 4 for ConTNet: Why not use convolution and transformer at the same time?
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