Abstract:Despite a large and significant body of recent work focused on estimating the out-of-sample risk of regularized models in the high dimensional regime, a theoretical understanding of this problem for non-differentiable penalties such as generalized LASSO and nuclear norm is missing. In this paper we resolve this challenge. We study this problem in the proportional high dimensional regime where both the sample size n and number of features p are large, and n/p and the signal-to-noise ratio (per observation) remain finite. We provide finite sample upper bounds on the expected squared error of leave-one-out cross-validation (LO) in estimating the out-of-sample risk. The theoretical framework presented here provides a solid foundation for elucidating empirical findings that show the accuracy of LO.
Abstract:The out-of-sample error (OO) is the main quantity of interest in risk estimation and model selection. Leave-one-out cross validation (LO) offers a (nearly) distribution-free yet computationally demanding approach to estimate OO. Recent theoretical work showed that approximate leave-one-out cross validation (ALO) is a computationally efficient and statistically reliable estimate of LO (and OO) for generalized linear models with differentiable regularizers. For problems involving non-differentiable regularizers, despite significant empirical evidence, the theoretical understanding of ALO's error remains unknown. In this paper, we present a novel theory for a wide class of problems in the generalized linear model family with non-differentiable regularizers. We bound the error |ALO - LO| in terms of intuitive metrics such as the size of leave-i-out perturbations in active sets, sample size n, number of features p and regularization parameters. As a consequence, for the $\ell_1$-regularized problems, we show that |ALO - LO| goes to zero as p goes to infinity while n/p and SNR are fixed and bounded.
Abstract:Online learning to rank is a core problem in machine learning. In Lattimore et al. (2018), a novel online learning algorithm was proposed based on topological sorting. In the paper they provided a set of self-normalized inequalities (a) in the algorithm as a criterion in iterations and (b) to provide an upper bound for cumulative regret, which is a measure of algorithm performance. In this work, we utilized method of mixtures and asymptotic expansions of certain implicit function to provide a tighter, iterated-log-like boundary for the inequalities, and as a consequence improve both the algorithm itself as well as its performance estimation.