Abstract:A key challenge in Deep Reinforcement Learning is sample efficiency, especially in real-world applications where collecting environment interactions is expensive or risky. Recent off-policy algorithms improve sample efficiency by increasing the Update-To-Data (UTD) ratio and performing more gradient updates per environment interaction. While this improves sample efficiency, it significantly increases computational cost due to the higher number of gradient updates required. In this paper we propose a sample-efficient method to improve computational efficiency by separating training into distinct learning phases in order to exploit gradient updates more effectively. Our approach builds on top of the Dropout Q-Functions (DroQ) algorithm and alternates between an online, low UTD ratio training phase, and an offline stabilization phase. During the stabilization phase, we fine-tune the Q-functions without collecting new environment interactions. This process improves the effectiveness of the replay buffer and reduces computational overhead. Our experimental results on continuous control problems show that our method achieves results comparable to state-of-the-art, high UTD ratio algorithms while requiring 56\% fewer gradient updates and 50\% less training time than DroQ. Our approach offers an effective and computationally economical solution while maintaining the same sample efficiency as the more costly, high UTD ratio state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Offline Reinforcement Learning (ORL) is a promising approach to reduce the high sample complexity of traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL) by eliminating the need for continuous environmental interactions. ORL exploits a dataset of pre-collected transitions and thus expands the range of application of RL to tasks in which the excessive environment queries increase training time and decrease efficiency, such as in modern AAA games. This paper introduces OfflineMania a novel environment for ORL research. It is inspired by the iconic TrackMania series and developed using the Unity 3D game engine. The environment simulates a single-agent racing game in which the objective is to complete the track through optimal navigation. We provide a variety of datasets to assess ORL performance. These datasets, created from policies of varying ability and in different sizes, aim to offer a challenging testbed for algorithm development and evaluation. We further establish a set of baselines for a range of Online RL, ORL, and hybrid Offline to Online RL approaches using our environment.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning leverages pre-collected datasets of transitions to train policies. It can serve as effective initialization for online algorithms, enhancing sample efficiency and speeding up convergence. However, when such datasets are limited in size and quality, offline pre-training can produce sub-optimal policies and lead to degraded online reinforcement learning performance. In this paper we propose a model-based data augmentation strategy to maximize the benefits of offline reinforcement learning pre-training and reduce the scale of data needed to be effective. Our approach leverages a world model of the environment trained on the offline dataset to augment states during offline pre-training. We evaluate our approach on a variety of MuJoCo robotic tasks and our results show it can jump-start online fine-tuning and substantially reduce - in some cases by an order of magnitude - the required number of environment interactions.