Abstract:Existing video anomaly detection datasets are inadequate for representing complex anomalies that occur due to the interactions between objects. The absence of complex anomalies in previous video anomaly detection datasets affects research by shifting the focus onto simple anomalies. To address this problem, we introduce a new large-scale dataset: ComplexVAD. In addition, we propose a novel method to detect complex anomalies via modeling the interactions between objects using a scene graph with spatio-temporal attributes. With our proposed method and two other state-of-the-art video anomaly detection methods, we obtain baseline scores on ComplexVAD and demonstrate that our new method outperforms existing works.
Abstract:Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples. While numerous successful adversarial attacks have been proposed, defenses against these attacks remain relatively understudied. Existing defense approaches either focus on negating the effects of perturbations caused by the attacks to restore the DNNs' original predictions or use a secondary model to detect adversarial examples. However, these methods often become ineffective due to the continuous advancements in attack techniques. We propose a novel universal and lightweight method to detect adversarial examples by analyzing the layer outputs of DNNs. Through theoretical justification and extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our detection method is highly effective, compatible with any DNN architecture, and applicable across different domains, such as image, video, and audio.
Abstract:Adversarial machine learning attacks on video action recognition models is a growing research area and many effective attacks were introduced in recent years. These attacks show that action recognition models can be breached in many ways. Hence using these models in practice raises significant security concerns. However, there are very few works which focus on defending against or detecting attacks. In this work, we propose a novel universal detection method which is compatible with any action recognition model. In our extensive experiments, we show that our method consistently detects various attacks against different target models with high true positive rates while satisfying very low false positive rates. Tested against four state-of-the-art attacks targeting four action recognition models, the proposed detector achieves an average AUC of 0.911 over 16 test cases while the best performance achieved by the existing detectors is 0.645 average AUC. This 41.2% improvement is enabled by the robustness of the proposed detector to varying attack methods and target models. The lowest AUC achieved by our detector across the 16 test cases is 0.837 while the competing detector's performance drops as low as 0.211. We also show that the proposed detector is robust to varying attack strengths. In addition, we analyze our method's real-time performance with different hardware setups to demonstrate its potential as a practical defense mechanism.
Abstract:Anomaly detection in videos is an important computer vision problem with various applications including automated video surveillance. Although adversarial attacks on image understanding models have been heavily investigated, there is not much work on adversarial machine learning targeting video understanding models and no previous work which focuses on video anomaly detection. To this end, we investigate an adversarial machine learning attack against video anomaly detection systems, that can be implemented via an easy-to-perform cyber-attack. Since surveillance cameras are usually connected to the server running the anomaly detection model through a wireless network, they are prone to cyber-attacks targeting the wireless connection. We demonstrate how Wi-Fi deauthentication attack, a notoriously easy-to-perform and effective denial-of-service (DoS) attack, can be utilized to generate adversarial data for video anomaly detection systems. Specifically, we apply several effects caused by the Wi-Fi deauthentication attack on video quality (e.g., slow down, freeze, fast forward, low resolution) to the popular benchmark datasets for video anomaly detection. Our experiments with several state-of-the-art anomaly detection models show that the attackers can significantly undermine the reliability of video anomaly detection systems by causing frequent false alarms and hiding physical anomalies from the surveillance system.