Abstract:Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties like high nonlinearity and algebraic degree play an important in the security of stream and block ciphers. Such functions may be designed, for instance, by algebraic constructions or metaheuristics. This paper investigates the use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to design homogeneous bent Boolean functions, i.e., functions that are maximally nonlinear and whose algebraic normal form contains only monomials of the same degree. In our work, we evaluate three genotype encodings and four fitness functions. Our results show that while EAs manage to find quadratic homogeneous bent functions (with the best method being a GA leveraging a restricted encoding), none of the approaches result in cubic homogeneous bent functions.
Abstract:Evolving Boolean functions with specific properties is an interesting optimization problem since, depending on the combination of properties and Boolean function size, the problem can range from very simple to (almost) impossible to solve. Moreover, some problems are more interesting as there may be only a few options for generating the required Boolean functions. This paper investigates one such problem: evolving five-valued spectra Boolean functions, which are the functions whose Walsh-Hadamard coefficients can only take five distinct values. We experimented with three solution encodings, two fitness functions, and 12 Boolean function sizes and showed that the tree encoding is superior to other choices, as we can obtain five-valued Boolean functions with high nonlinearity.
Abstract:Boolean functions are mathematical objects used in diverse applications. Different applications also have different requirements, making the research on Boolean functions very active. In the last 30 years, evolutionary algorithms have been shown to be a strong option for evolving Boolean functions in different sizes and with different properties. Still, most of those works consider similar settings and provide results that are mostly interesting from the evolutionary algorithm's perspective. This work considers the problem of evolving highly nonlinear Boolean functions in odd sizes. While the problem formulation sounds simple, the problem is remarkably difficult, and the related work is extremely scarce. We consider three solutions encodings and four Boolean function sizes and run a detailed experimental analysis. Our results show that the problem is challenging, and finding optimal solutions is impossible except for the smallest tested size. However, once we added local search to the evolutionary algorithm, we managed to find a Boolean function in nine inputs with nonlinearity 241, which, to our knowledge, had never been accomplished before with evolutionary algorithms.
Abstract:Rotation symmetric Boolean functions represent an interesting class of Boolean functions as they are relatively rare compared to general Boolean functions. At the same time, the functions in this class can have excellent properties, making them interesting for various practical applications. The usage of metaheuristics to construct rotation symmetric Boolean functions is a direction that has been explored for almost twenty years. Despite that, there are very few results considering evolutionary computation methods. This paper uses several evolutionary algorithms to evolve rotation symmetric Boolean functions with different properties. Despite using generic metaheuristics, we obtain results that are competitive with prior work relying on customized heuristics. Surprisingly, we find that bitstring and floating point encodings work better than the tree encoding. Moreover, evolving highly nonlinear general Boolean functions is easier than rotation symmetric ones.
Abstract:Bent Boolean functions are important objects in cryptography and coding theory, and there are several general approaches for constructing such functions. Metaheuristics proved to be a strong choice as they can provide many bent functions, even when the size of the Boolean function is large (e.g., more than 20 inputs). While bent Boolean functions represent only a small part of all Boolean functions, there are several subclasses of bent functions providing specific properties and challenges. One of the most interesting subclasses comprises (anti-)self-dual bent Boolean functions. This paper provides a detailed experimentation with evolutionary algorithms with the goal of evolving (anti-)self-dual bent Boolean functions. We experiment with two encodings and two fitness functions to directly evolve self-dual bent Boolean functions. Our experiments consider Boolean functions with sizes of up to 16 inputs, and we successfully construct self-dual bent functions for each dimension. Moreover, when comparing with the evolution of bent Boolean functions, we notice that the difficulty for evolutionary algorithms is rather similar. Finally, we also tried evolving secondary constructions for self-dual bent functions, but this direction provided no successful results.
Abstract:Boolean functions are mathematical objects with numerous applications in domains like coding theory, cryptography, and telecommunications. Finding Boolean functions with specific properties is a complex combinatorial optimization problem where the search space grows super-exponentially with the number of input variables. One common property of interest is the nonlinearity of Boolean functions. Constructing highly nonlinear Boolean functions is difficult as it is not always known what nonlinearity values can be reached in practice. In this paper, we investigate the effects of the genetic operators for bit-string encoding in optimizing nonlinearity. While several mutation and crossover operators have commonly been used, the link between the genotype they operate on and the resulting phenotype changes is mostly obscure. By observing the range of possible changes an operator can provide, as well as relative probabilities of specific transitions in the objective space, one can use this information to design a more effective combination of genetic operators. The analysis reveals interesting insights into operator effectiveness and indicates how algorithm design may improve convergence compared to an operator-agnostic genetic algorithm.
Abstract:S-boxes are an important primitive that help cryptographic algorithms to be resilient against various attacks. The resilience against specific attacks can be connected with a certain property of an S-box, and the better the property value, the more secure the algorithm. One example of such a property is called boomerang uniformity, which helps to be resilient against boomerang attacks. How to construct S-boxes with good boomerang uniformity is not always clear. There are algebraic techniques that can result in good boomerang uniformity, but the results are still rare. In this work, we explore the evolution of S-boxes with good values of boomerang uniformity. We consider three different encodings and five S-box sizes. For sizes $4\times 4$ and $5\times 5$, we manage to obtain optimal solutions. For $6\times 6$, we obtain optimal boomerang uniformity for the non-APN function. For larger sizes, the results indicate the problem to be very difficult (even more difficult than evolving differential uniformity, which can be considered a well-researched problem).
Abstract:Finding balanced, highly nonlinear Boolean functions is a difficult problem where it is not known what nonlinearity values are possible to be reached in general. At the same time, evolutionary computation is successfully used to evolve specific Boolean function instances, but the approach cannot easily scale for larger Boolean function sizes. Indeed, while evolving smaller Boolean functions is almost trivial, larger sizes become increasingly difficult, and evolutionary algorithms perform suboptimally. In this work, we ask whether genetic programming (GP) can evolve constructions resulting in balanced Boolean functions with high nonlinearity. This question is especially interesting as there are only a few known such constructions. Our results show that GP can find constructions that generalize well, i.e., result in the required functions for multiple tested sizes. Further, we show that GP evolves many equivalent constructions under different syntactic representations. Interestingly, the simplest solution found by GP is a particular case of the well-known indirect sum construction.
Abstract:Finding Boolean functions suitable for cryptographic primitives is a complex combinatorial optimization problem, since they must satisfy several properties to resist cryptanalytic attacks, and the space is very large, which grows super exponentially with the number of input variables. Recent research has focused on the study of Boolean functions that satisfy properties on restricted sets of inputs due to their importance in the development of the FLIP stream cipher. In this paper, we consider one such property, perfect balancedness, and investigate the use of Genetic Programming (GP) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) to construct Boolean functions that satisfy this property along with a good nonlinearity profile. We formulate the related optimization problem and define two encodings for the candidate solutions, namely the truth table and the weightwise balanced representations. Somewhat surprisingly, the results show that GA with the weightwise balanced representation outperforms GP with the classical truth table phenotype in finding highly nonlinear WPB functions. This finding is in stark contrast to previous findings on the evolution of globally balanced Boolean functions, where GP always performs best.
Abstract:Evolutionary algorithms have been successfully applied to attacking Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). CMA-ES is recognized as the most powerful option for a type of attack called the reliability attack. While there is no reason to doubt the performance of CMA-ES, the lack of comparison with different metaheuristics and results for the challenge-response pair-based attack leaves open questions if there are better-suited metaheuristics for the problem. In this paper, we take a step back and systematically evaluate several metaheuristics for the challenge-response pair-based attack on strong PUFs. Our results confirm that CMA-ES has the best performance, but we also note several other algorithms with similar performance while having smaller computational costs. More precisely, if we provide a sufficient number of challenge-response pairs to train the algorithm, various configurations show good results. Consequently, we conclude that EAs represent a strong option for challenge-response pair-based attacks on PUFs.