Picture for Dimitrios Hristu-Varsakelis

Dimitrios Hristu-Varsakelis

High-performance stock index trading: making effective use of a deep LSTM neural network

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Feb 07, 2019
Figure 1 for High-performance stock index trading: making effective use of a deep LSTM neural network
Figure 2 for High-performance stock index trading: making effective use of a deep LSTM neural network
Figure 3 for High-performance stock index trading: making effective use of a deep LSTM neural network
Figure 4 for High-performance stock index trading: making effective use of a deep LSTM neural network
Viaarxiv icon

Using deep Q-learning to understand the tax evasion behavior of risk-averse firms

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Jan 29, 2018
Figure 1 for Using deep Q-learning to understand the tax evasion behavior of risk-averse firms
Figure 2 for Using deep Q-learning to understand the tax evasion behavior of risk-averse firms
Figure 3 for Using deep Q-learning to understand the tax evasion behavior of risk-averse firms
Figure 4 for Using deep Q-learning to understand the tax evasion behavior of risk-averse firms
Viaarxiv icon