Abstract:Analytical solutions of differential equations offer exact insights into fundamental behaviors of physical processes. Their application, however, is limited as finding these solutions is difficult. To overcome this limitation, we combine two key insights. First, constructing an analytical solution requires a composition of foundational solution components. Second, iterative solvers define parameterized function spaces with constraint-based updates. Our approach merges compositional differential equation solution techniques with iterative refinement by using formal grammars, building a rich space of candidate solutions that are embedded into a low-dimensional (continuous) latent manifold for probabilistic exploration. This integration unifies numerical and symbolic differential equation solvers via a neuro-symbolic AI framework to find analytical solutions of a wide variety of differential equations. By systematically constructing candidate expressions and applying constraint-based refinement, we overcome longstanding barriers to extract such closed-form solutions. We illustrate advantages over commercial solvers, symbolic methods, and approximate neural networks on a diverse set of problems, demonstrating both generality and accuracy.
Abstract:The joint prediction of continuous fields and statistical estimation of the underlying discrete parameters is a common problem for many physical systems, governed by PDEs. Hitherto, it has been separately addressed by employing operator learning surrogates for field prediction while using simulation-based inference (and its variants) for statistical parameter determination. Here, we argue that solving both problems within the same framework can lead to consistent gains in accuracy and robustness. To this end, We propose a novel and flexible formulation of the operator learning problem that allows jointly predicting continuous quantities and inferring distributions of discrete parameters, and thus amortizing the cost of both the inverse and the surrogate models to a joint pre-training step. We present the capabilities of the proposed methodology for predicting continuous and discrete biomarkers in full-body haemodynamics simulations under different levels of missing information. We also consider a test case for atmospheric large-eddy simulation of a two-dimensional dry cold bubble, where we infer both continuous time-series and information about the systems conditions. We present comparisons against different baselines to showcase significantly increased accuracy in both the inverse and the surrogate tasks.