Abstract:The core contribution is to propose a probabilistic forecast-driven strategy, modeled as a min-max-min robust optimization problem with recourse, and solved using a Benders-dual cutting plane algorithm in a tractable manner. The convergence is improved by building an initial set of cuts. In addition, a dynamic risk-averse parameters selection strategy based on the quantile forecasts distribution is proposed. A secondary contribution is to use a recently developed deep learning model known as normalizing flows to generate quantile forecasts of renewable generation for the robust optimization problem. This technique provides a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. Overall, the robust approach improves the results over a deterministic approach with nominal point forecasts by finding a trade-off between conservative and risk-seeking policies. The case study uses the photovoltaic generation monitored on-site at the University of Li\`ege (ULi\`ege), Belgium.
Abstract:This paper develops probabilistic PV forecasters by taking advantage of recent breakthroughs in deep learning. It tailored forecasting tool, named encoder-decoder, is implemented to compute intraday multi-output PV quantiles forecasts to efficiently capture the time correlation. The models are trained using quantile regression, a non-parametric approach that assumes no prior knowledge of the probabilistic forecasting distribution. The case study is composed of PV production monitored on-site at the University of Li\`ege (ULi\`ege), Belgium. The weather forecasts from the regional climate model provided by the Laboratory of Climatology are used as inputs of the deep learning models. The forecast quality is quantitatively assessed by the continuous ranked probability and interval scores. The results indicate this architecture improves the forecast quality and is computationally efficient to be incorporated in an intraday decision-making tool for robust optimization.