Abstract:In this paper, we are concerned with estimating the joint probability of random variables $X$ and $Y$, given $N$ independent observation blocks $(\boldsymbol{x}^i,\boldsymbol{y}^i)$, $i=1,\ldots,N$, each of $M$ samples $(\boldsymbol{x}^i,\boldsymbol{y}^i) = \bigl((x^i_j, y^i_{\sigma^i(j)}) \bigr)_{j=1}^M$, where $\sigma^i$ denotes an unknown permutation of i.i.d. sampled pairs $(x^i_j,y_j^i)$, $j=1,\ldots,M$. This means that the internal ordering of the $M$ samples within an observation block is not known. We derive a maximum-likelihood inference functional, propose a computationally tractable approximation and analyze their properties. In particular, we prove a $\Gamma$-convergence result showing that we can recover the true density from empirical approximations as the number $N$ of blocks goes to infinity. Using entropic optimal transport kernels, we model a class of hypothesis spaces of density functions over which the inference functional can be minimized. This hypothesis class is particularly suited for approximate inference of transfer operators from data. We solve the resulting discrete minimization problem by a modification of the EMML algorithm to take addional transition probability constraints into account and prove the convergence of this algorithm. Proof-of-concept examples demonstrate the potential of our method.
Abstract:Several issues in machine learning and inverse problems require to generate discrete data, as if sampled from a model probability distribution. A common way to do so relies on the construction of a uniform probability distribution over a set of $N$ points which minimizes the Wasserstein distance to the model distribution. This minimization problem, where the unknowns are the positions of the atoms, is non-convex. Yet, in most cases, a suitably adjusted version of Lloyd's algorithm -- in which Voronoi cells are replaced by Power cells -- leads to configurations with small Wasserstein error. This is surprising because, again, of the non-convex nature of the problem, as well as the existence of spurious critical points. We provide explicit upper bounds for the convergence speed of this Lloyd-type algorithm, starting from a cloud of points sufficiently far from each other. This already works after one step of the iteration procedure, and similar bounds can be deduced, for the corresponding gradient descent. These bounds naturally lead to a modified Poliak-Lojasiewicz inequality for the Wasserstein distance cost, with an error term depending on the distances between Dirac masses in the discrete distribution.