Abstract:We introduce Weak-PDE-LEARN, a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) discovery algorithm that can identify non-linear PDEs from noisy, limited measurements of their solutions. Weak-PDE-LEARN uses an adaptive loss function based on weak forms to train a neural network, $U$, to approximate the PDE solution while simultaneously identifying the governing PDE. This approach yields an algorithm that is robust to noise and can discover a range of PDEs directly from noisy, limited measurements of their solutions. We demonstrate the efficacy of Weak-PDE-LEARN by learning several benchmark PDEs.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce PDE-LEARN, a novel PDE discovery algorithm that can identify governing partial differential equations (PDEs) directly from noisy, limited measurements of a physical system of interest. PDE-LEARN uses a Rational Neural Network, $U$, to approximate the system response function and a sparse, trainable vector, $\xi$, to characterize the hidden PDE that the system response function satisfies. Our approach couples the training of $U$ and $\xi$ using a loss function that (1) makes $U$ approximate the system response function, (2) encapsulates the fact that $U$ satisfies a hidden PDE that $\xi$ characterizes, and (3) promotes sparsity in $\xi$ using ideas from iteratively reweighted least-squares. Further, PDE-LEARN can simultaneously learn from several data sets, allowing it to incorporate results from multiple experiments. This approach yields a robust algorithm to discover PDEs directly from realistic scientific data. We demonstrate the efficacy of PDE-LEARN by identifying several PDEs from noisy and limited measurements.
Abstract:PDE discovery shows promise for uncovering predictive models for complex physical systems but has difficulty when measurements are sparse and noisy. We introduce a new approach for PDE discovery that uses two Rational Neural Networks and a principled sparse regression algorithm to identify the hidden dynamics that govern a system's response. The first network learns the system response function, while the second learns a hidden PDE which drives the system's evolution. We then use a parameter-free sparse regression algorithm to extract a human-readable form of the hidden PDE from the second network. We implement our approach in an open-source library called PDE-READ. Our approach successfully identifies the Heat, Burgers, and Korteweg-De Vries equations with remarkable consistency. We demonstrate that our approach is unprecedentedly robust to both sparsity and noise and is, therefore, applicable to real-world observational data.