Abstract:One of the common tasks in unsupervised learning is dimensionality reduction, where the goal is to find meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional data. Sometimes referred to as manifold learning, this problem is closely related to the problem of localization, which aims at embedding a weighted graph into a low-dimensional Euclidean space. Several methods have been proposed for localization, and also manifold learning. Nonetheless, the robustness property of most of them is little understood. In this paper, we obtain perturbation bounds for classical scaling and trilateration, which are then applied to derive performance bounds for Isomap, Landmark Isomap, and Maximum Variance Unfolding. A new perturbation bound for procrustes analysis plays a key role.
Abstract:Maximum Variance Unfolding is one of the main methods for (nonlinear) dimensionality reduction. We study its large sample limit, providing specific rates of convergence under standard assumptions. We find that it is consistent when the underlying submanifold is isometric to a convex subset, and we provide some simple examples where it fails to be consistent.
Abstract:Following Hartigan, a cluster is defined as a connected component of the t-level set of the underlying density, i.e., the set of points for which the density is greater than t. A clustering algorithm which combines a density estimate with spectral clustering techniques is proposed. Our algorithm is composed of two steps. First, a nonparametric density estimate is used to extract the data points for which the estimated density takes a value greater than t. Next, the extracted points are clustered based on the eigenvectors of a graph Laplacian matrix. Under mild assumptions, we prove the almost sure convergence in operator norm of the empirical graph Laplacian operator associated with the algorithm. Furthermore, we give the typical behavior of the representation of the dataset into the feature space, which establishes the strong consistency of our proposed algorithm.