Abstract:The rise of Generative AI (GenAI) has significantly impacted human-based forums like Stack Overflow, which are essential for generating high-quality data. This creates a negative feedback loop, hindering the development of GenAI systems, which rely on such data to provide accurate responses. In this paper, we provide a possible remedy: A novel strategy we call selective response. Selective response implies that GenAI could strategically provide inaccurate (or conservative) responses to queries involving emerging topics and novel technologies, thereby driving users to use human-based forums like Stack Overflow. We show that selective response can potentially have a compounding effect on the data generation process, increasing both GenAI's revenue and user welfare in the long term. From an algorithmic perspective, we propose an approximately optimal approach to maximize GenAI's revenue under social welfare constraints. From a regulatory perspective, we derive sufficient and necessary conditions for selective response to improve welfare improvements.
Abstract:Principal-agent problems arise when one party acts on behalf of another, leading to conflicts of interest. The economic literature has extensively studied principal-agent problems, and recent work has extended this to more complex scenarios such as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). In this paper, we further explore this line of research by investigating how reward shaping under budget constraints can improve the principal's utility. We study a two-player Stackelberg game where the principal and the agent have different reward functions, and the agent chooses an MDP policy for both players. The principal offers an additional reward to the agent, and the agent picks their policy selfishly to maximize their reward, which is the sum of the original and the offered reward. Our results establish the NP-hardness of the problem and offer polynomial approximation algorithms for two classes of instances: Stochastic trees and deterministic decision processes with a finite horizon.