Abstract:As autonomous systems are becoming part of our daily lives, ensuring their trustworthiness is crucial. There are a number of techniques for demonstrating trustworthiness. Common to all these techniques is the need to articulate specifications. In this paper, we take a broad view of specification, concentrating on top-level requirements including but not limited to functionality, safety, security and other non-functional properties. The main contribution of this article is a set of high-level intellectual challenges for the autonomous systems community related to specifying for trustworthiness. We also describe unique specification challenges concerning a number of application domains for autonomous systems.
Abstract:Many software systems have become too large and complex to be managed efficiently by human administrators, particularly when they operate in uncertain and dynamic environments and require frequent changes. Requirements-driven adaptation techniques have been proposed to endow systems with the necessary means to autonomously decide ways to satisfy their requirements. However, many current approaches rely on general-purpose languages, models and/or frameworks to design, develop and analyze autonomous systems. Unfortunately, these tools are not tailored towards the characteristics of adaptation problems in autonomous systems. In this paper, we present Optimal by Design (ObD ), a framework for model-based requirements-driven synthesis of optimal adaptation strategies for autonomous systems. ObD proposes a model (and a language) for the high-level description of the basic elements of self-adaptive systems, namely the system, capabilities, requirements and environment. Based on those elements, a Markov Decision Process (MDP) is constructed to compute the optimal strategy or the most rewarding system behaviour. Furthermore, this defines a reflex controller that can ensure timely responses to changes. One novel feature of the framework is that it benefits both from goal-oriented techniques, developed for requirement elicitation, refinement and analysis, and synthesis capabilities and extensive research around MDPs, their extensions and tools. Our preliminary evaluation results demonstrate the practicality and advantages of the framework.