Abstract:A successful tactic that is followed by the scientific community for advancing AI is to treat games as problems, which has been proven to lead to various breakthroughs. We adapt this strategy in order to study Rocket League, a widely popular but rather under-explored 3D multiplayer video game with a distinct physics engine and complex dynamics that pose a significant challenge in developing efficient and high-performance game-playing agents. In this paper, we present Lucy-SKG, a Reinforcement Learning-based model that learned how to play Rocket League in a sample-efficient manner, outperforming by a notable margin the two highest-ranking bots in this game, namely Necto (2022 bot champion) and its successor Nexto, thus becoming a state-of-the-art agent. Our contributions include: a) the development of a reward analysis and visualization library, b) novel parameterizable reward shape functions that capture the utility of complex reward types via our proposed Kinesthetic Reward Combination (KRC) technique, and c) design of auxiliary neural architectures for training on reward prediction and state representation tasks in an on-policy fashion for enhanced efficiency in learning speed and performance. By performing thorough ablation studies for each component of Lucy-SKG, we showed their independent effectiveness in overall performance. In doing so, we demonstrate the prospects and challenges of using sample-efficient Reinforcement Learning techniques for controlling complex dynamical systems under competitive team-based multiplayer conditions.
Abstract:Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) has been in the spotlight for the past few years, due to its remarkable abilities to solve problems which were considered to be practically unsolvable using traditional Machine Learning methods. However, even state-of-the-art Deep RL algorithms have various weaknesses that prevent them from being used extensively within industry applications, with one such major weakness being their sample-inefficiency. In an effort to patch these issues, we integrated a meta-learning technique in order to shift the objective of learning to solve a task into the objective of learning how to learn to solve a task (or a set of tasks), which we empirically show that improves overall stability and performance of Deep RL algorithms. Our model, named REIN-2, is a meta-learning scheme formulated within the RL framework, the goal of which is to develop a meta-RL agent (meta-learner) that learns how to produce other RL agents (inner-learners) that are capable of solving given environments. For this task, we convert the typical interaction of an RL agent with the environment into a new, single environment for the meta-learner to interact with. Compared to traditional state-of-the-art Deep RL algorithms, experimental results show remarkable performance of our model in popular OpenAI Gym environments in terms of scoring and sample efficiency, including the Mountain Car hard-exploration environment.