Abstract:Preliminary spacecraft trajectory optimization is a parameter dependent global search problem that aims to provide a set of solutions that are of high quality and diverse. In the case of numerical solution, it is dependent on the original optimal control problem, the choice of a control transcription, and the behavior of a gradient based numerical solver. In this paper we formulate the parameterized global search problem as the task of sampling a conditional probability distribution with support on the neighborhoods of local basins of attraction to the high quality solutions. The conditional distribution is learned and represented using deep generative models that allow for prediction of how the local basins change as parameters vary. The approach is benchmarked on a low thrust spacecraft trajectory optimization problem in the circular restricted three-body problem, showing significant speed-up over a simple multi-start method and vanilla machine learning approaches. The paper also provides an in-depth analysis of the multi-modal funnel structure of a low-thrust spacecraft trajectory optimization problem.
Abstract:Spacecraft trajectory design is a global search problem, where previous work has revealed specific solution structures that can be captured with data-driven methods. This paper explores two global search problems in the circular restricted three-body problem: hybrid cost function of minimum fuel/time-of-flight and transfers to energy-dependent invariant manifolds. These problems display a fundamental structure either in the optimal control profile or the use of dynamical structures. We build on our prior generative machine learning framework to apply diffusion models to learn the conditional probability distribution of the search problem and analyze the model's capability to capture these structures.
Abstract:Preliminary trajectory design is a global search problem that seeks multiple qualitatively different solutions to a trajectory optimization problem. Due to its high dimensionality and non-convexity, and the frequent adjustment of problem parameters, the global search becomes computationally demanding. In this paper, we exploit the clustering structure in the solutions and propose an amortized global search (AmorGS) framework. We use deep generative models to predict trajectory solutions that share similar structures with previously solved problems, which accelerates the global search for unseen parameter values. Our method is evaluated using De Jong's 5th function and a low-thrust circular restricted three-body problem.