Abstract:In this article we propose a novel method for sampling from Gibbs distributions of the form $\pi(x)\propto\exp(-U(x))$ with a potential $U(x)$. In particular, inspired by diffusion models we propose to consider a sequence $(\pi^{t_k})_k$ of approximations of the target density, for which $\pi^{t_k}\approx \pi$ for $k$ small and, on the other hand, $\pi^{t_k}$ exhibits favorable properties for sampling for $k$ large. This sequence is obtained by replacing parts of the potential $U$ by its Moreau envelopes. Sampling is performed in an Annealed Langevin type procedure, that is, sequentially sampling from $\pi^{t_k}$ for decreasing $k$, effectively guiding the samples from a simple starting density to the more complex target. In addition to a theoretical analysis we show experimental results supporting the efficacy of the method in terms of increased convergence speed and applicability to multi-modal densities $\pi$.
Abstract:Medical image segmentation is a crucial task that relies on the ability to accurately identify and isolate regions of interest in medical images. Thereby, generative approaches allow to capture the statistical properties of segmentation masks that are dependent on the respective structures. In this work we propose FlowSDF, an image-guided conditional flow matching framework to represent the signed distance function (SDF) leading to an implicit distribution of segmentation masks. The advantage of leveraging the SDF is a more natural distortion when compared to that of binary masks. By learning a vector field that is directly related to the probability path of a conditional distribution of SDFs, we can accurately sample from the distribution of segmentation masks, allowing for the evaluation of statistical quantities. Thus, this probabilistic representation allows for the generation of uncertainty maps represented by the variance, which can aid in further analysis and enhance the predictive robustness. We qualitatively and quantitatively illustrate competitive performance of the proposed method on a public nuclei and gland segmentation data set, highlighting its utility in medical image segmentation applications.