Despite its significant benefits in enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, explainable AI (XAI) has yet to reach its full potential in real-world applications. One key challenge is that XAI can unintentionally provide adversaries with insights into black-box models, inevitably increasing their vulnerability to various attacks. In this paper, we develop a novel explanation-driven adversarial attack against black-box classifiers based on feature substitution, called XSub. The key idea of XSub is to strategically replace important features (identified via XAI) in the original sample with corresponding important features from a "golden sample" of a different label, thereby increasing the likelihood of the model misclassifying the perturbed sample. The degree of feature substitution is adjustable, allowing us to control how much of the original samples information is replaced. This flexibility effectively balances a trade-off between the attacks effectiveness and its stealthiness. XSub is also highly cost-effective in that the number of required queries to the prediction model and the explanation model in conducting the attack is in O(1). In addition, XSub can be easily extended to launch backdoor attacks in case the attacker has access to the models training data. Our evaluation demonstrates that XSub is not only effective and stealthy but also cost-effective, enabling its application across a wide range of AI models.