Hillclimbing is an essential part of any optimization algorithm. An important benchmark for hillclimbing algorithms on pseudo-Boolean functions $f: \{0,1\}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ are (strictly) montone functions, on which a surprising number of hillclimbers fail to be efficient. For example, the $(1+1)$-Evolutionary Algorithm is a standard hillclimber which flips each bit independently with probability $c/n$ in each round. Perhaps surprisingly, this algorithm shows a phase transition: it optimizes any monotone pseudo-boolean function in quasilinear time if $c<1$, but there are monotone functions for which the algorithm needs exponential time if $c>2.2$. But so far it was unclear whether the threshold is at $c=1$. In this paper we show how Moser's entropy compression argument can be adapted to this situation, that is, we show that a long runtime would allow us to encode the random steps of the algorithm with less bits than their entropy. Thus there exists a $c_0 > 1$ such that for all $0<c\le c_0$ the $(1+1)$-Evolutionary Algorithm with rate $c/n$ finds the optimum in $O(n \log^2 n)$ steps in expectation.