In recent years, object-oriented simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) has attracted increasing attention due to its ability to provide high-level semantic information while maintaining computational efficiency. Some researchers have attempted to enhance localization accuracy by integrating the modeled object residuals into bundle adjustment. However, few have demonstrated better results than feature-based visual SLAM systems, as the generic coarse object models, such as cuboids or ellipsoids, are less accurate than feature points. In this paper, we propose a Visual Object Odometry and Mapping framework VOOM using high-level objects and low-level points as the hierarchical landmarks in a coarse-to-fine manner instead of directly using object residuals in bundle adjustment. Firstly, we introduce an improved observation model and a novel data association method for dual quadrics, employed to represent physical objects. It facilitates the creation of a 3D map that closely reflects reality. Next, we use object information to enhance the data association of feature points and consequently update the map. In the visual object odometry backend, the updated map is employed to further optimize the camera pose and the objects. Meanwhile, local bundle adjustment is performed utilizing the objects and points-based covisibility graphs in our visual object mapping process. Experiments show that VOOM outperforms both object-oriented SLAM and feature points SLAM systems such as ORB-SLAM2 in terms of localization. The implementation of our method is available at