Consistency regularization is a commonly used practice to encourage the model to generate consistent representation from distorted input features and improve model generalization. It shows significant improvement on various speech applications that are optimized with cross entropy criterion. However, it is not straightforward to apply consistency regularization for the transducer-based approaches, which are widely adopted for speech applications due to the competitive performance and streaming characteristic. The main challenge is from the vast alignment space of the transducer optimization criterion and not all the alignments within the space contribute to the model optimization equally. In this study, we present Transducer Consistency Regularization (TCR), a consistency regularization method for transducer models. We apply distortions such as spec augmentation and dropout to create different data views and minimize the distribution difference. We utilize occupational probabilities to give different weights on transducer output distributions, thus only alignments close to oracle alignments would contribute to the model learning. Our experiments show the proposed method is superior to other consistency regularization implementations and could effectively reduce word error rate (WER) by 4.3\% relatively comparing with a strong baseline on the \textsc{Librispeech} dataset.