Many learning-based 3D shape semantic segmentation methods assign labels to shape atoms (e.g. points in a point cloud or faces in a mesh) with a single-pass approach trained in an end-to-end fashion. Such methods achieve impressive performance but require large amounts of labeled training data. This paradigm entangles two separable subproblems: (1) decomposing a shape into regions and (2) assigning semantic labels to these regions. We claim that disentangling these subproblems reduces the labeled data burden: (1) region decomposition requires no semantic labels and could be performed in an unsupervised fashion, and (2) labeling shape regions instead of atoms results in a smaller search space and should be learnable with less labeled training data. In this paper, we investigate this second claim by presenting the Neurally-Guided Shape Parser (NGSP), a method that learns how to assign semantic labels to regions of an over-segmented 3D shape. We solve this problem via MAP inference, modeling the posterior probability of a labeling assignment conditioned on an input shape. We employ a Monte Carlo importance sampling approach guided by a neural proposal network, a search-based approach made feasible by assuming the input shape is decomposed into discrete regions. We evaluate NGSP on the task of hierarchical semantic segmentation on manufactured 3D shapes from PartNet. We find that NGSP delivers significant performance improvements over baselines that learn to label shape atoms and then aggregate predictions for each shape region, especially in low-data regimes. Finally, we demonstrate that NGSP is robust to region granularity, as it maintains strong segmentation performance even as the regions undergo significant corruption.