In this paper, we propose a heuristic recommendation system for interactive news, called the graph-based broad behavior-aware network (G-BBAN). Different from most of existing work, our network considers six behaviors that may potentially be conducted by users, including unclick, click, like, follow, comment, and share. Further, we introduce the core and coritivity concept from graph theory into the system to measure the concentration degree of interests of each user, which we show can help to improve the performance even further if it's considered. There are three critical steps in our recommendation system. First, we build a structured user-dependent interaction behavior graph for multi-level and multi-category data as a preprocessing step. This graph constructs the data sources and knowledge information which will be used in G-BBAN through representation learning. Second, for each user node on the graph, we calculate its core and coritivity and then add the pair as a new feature associated to this user. According to the definition of core and coritivity, this user-dependent feature provides useful insights into the concentration degree of his/her interests and affects the trade-off between accuracy and diversity of the personalized recommendation. Last, we represent item (news) information by entity semantics and environment semantics; design a multi-channel convolutional neural network called G-CNN to learn the semantic information and an attention-based LSTM to learn user's behavior representation; combine with previous concentration feature and input into another two fully connected layers to finish the classification task. The whole network consists of the final G-BBAN. Through comparing with baselines and several variates of itself, our proposed method shows the superior performance in extensive experiments.