3D point cloud has been widely used in many mobile application scenarios, including autonomous driving and 3D sensing on mobile devices. However, existing 3D point cloud models tend to be large and cumbersome, making them hard to deploy on edged devices due to their high memory requirements and non-real-time latency. There has been a lack of research on how to compress 3D point cloud models into lightweight models. In this paper, we propose a method called T3DNet (Tiny 3D Network with augmEntation and disTillation) to address this issue. We find that the tiny model after network augmentation is much easier for a teacher to distill. Instead of gradually reducing the parameters through techniques such as pruning or quantization, we pre-define a tiny model and improve its performance through auxiliary supervision from augmented networks and the original model. We evaluate our method on several public datasets, including ModelNet40, ShapeNet, and ScanObjectNN. Our method can achieve high compression rates without significant accuracy sacrifice, achieving state-of-the-art performances on three datasets against existing methods. Amazingly, our T3DNet is 58 times smaller and 54 times faster than the original model yet with only 1.4% accuracy descent on the ModelNet40 dataset.