The Red Palm Weevil (RPW) is a highly destructive insect causing economic losses and impacting palm tree farming worldwide. This paper proposes an innovative approach for sustainable palm tree farming by utilizing advanced technologies for the early detection and management of RPW. Our approach combines computer vision, deep learning (DL), the Internet of Things (IoT), and geospatial data to detect and classify RPW-infested palm trees effectively. The main phases include; (1) DL classification using sound data from IoT devices, (2) palm tree detection using YOLOv8 on UAV images, and (3) RPW mapping using geospatial data. Our custom DL model achieves 100% precision and recall in detecting and localizing infested palm trees. Integrating geospatial data enables the creation of a comprehensive RPW distribution map for efficient monitoring and targeted management strategies. This technology-driven approach benefits agricultural authorities, farmers, and researchers in managing RPW infestations and safeguarding palm tree plantations' productivity.